Exercises on Sequences

  1. Let A > 0. The sequence defined by

    an+1 = (1/2)(an + A/an)  (E.1)

    with a1 ≥ 0. This sequence is used to calculate approximations to √A, and it also known as the Babylonian Algorithm for computing square roots. Determine whether the sequences converges and eventualy its limit


  1. Recalling the inequality relating geometric and arithmetic mean of two numbers a,b > 0

    a b a + b 2

    In this inequality, put a = an and b = A/an to deduce

    A ≤ (1/2) (an + A/an) = an + 1

    So the sequence is bounded below by √A at least starting from n = 2. To prove the convergence it remains to show it is decreasing, which is the same as showing that an+1an < 0. In fact, for n ≥ 2 we have an2 > A, so that

    an+1 = (1/2) (an + A/an) ≤ (an + an)/2 = an

    Hence by theorem Monotone Sequence Theorem 2.2.5., the sequence an converges to some number L ≥ √A. Taking the limit on both sides of E.1, we deduce that L satisfies L = (1/2)(L + A/L) and so L = √A.  ■

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