The Stolz–Cesàro theorem

In connectoin with the operation with sequences having limits (finite or infinite) we ran into the problem of "eliminating the indeterminates". We known that if an and bnℓ' (with ℓ' ≠ 0) we have

an/ bn/ℓ'

It may happen that an ⟶ 0 and bn ⟶ 0, but the sequence {an/bn} is still convergent. For example this is the case for an = bn = 1/n

The following Stolz–Cesàro theorem has been called the de L'Hôpital's Theorem for sequences because is its analogous for the discrete case. It is due to Otto Stolz (1859-1906) and Ernesto Cesàro (1859-1906).

Theorem 2.7.1. (Stolz–Cesàro theorem) Let {an} and {bn} be two sequences of real numbers convergent to 0, with {bn} strictly positive, increasing and unbounded, if

lim n a n + 1 a n b n + 1 b n =


lim n a n b n =

Proof. Fix ε > 0. There exists n0 sucht that for nn0

ε < a n + 1 a n b n + 1 b n < + ε

Because bn+1bn ≥ 0, this is equivalent to

− ε (bn+1bn) < an+1an < + ε (bn+1bn)

Let kn0. Summing the inequality from n0, n0 + 1, ..., k we get

ε n = n 0 k b n + 1 b n < n = n 0 k a n + 1 a n < ε n = n 0 k b n + 1 b n

which gives

− ε (bk+1bn0) < ak+1an0 < + ε (bk+1bn0)

Dividing by bk + 1, we obtain

( − ε) (1 − bn0/bk+1) + an0 / bk+1 < ak+1/bk+1 < ( + ε) (1 − bn0/bk+1) + an0 / bk+1

Since limk ⟶ ∞ bk = ∞, the above inequality immediately gives

− ε < ak+1/bk+1 < + ε

hence, limn ⟶ ∞ an/bn = .

If = +∞, then for all ε > 0 there exists an n0 such that for all nn0 we have

ε < (an + 1an)/(bn + 1bn) < + ε

Thus it follows that

an + 1an > ε(bn + 1bn).

Let kn0 be a natural number. Adding the above inequality for n0, n0 + 1, ..., k we get

ak+1an0 > ε(bk + 1bn0).

Dividing by bk + 1, we obtain

ak+1/bk + 1an0/bk + 1 > ε(1 − bn0/bk + 1).

Now since bn0/bk + 1 and an0/bk + 1 tend to zero as k ⟶ ∞, we find ak+1/bk + 1 > ε, which implies that limn ⟶ ∞ an/bn = ∞.  □

If {bn} is decreasing it suffices to change sign to the two sequences as {−bn} and {−an} .

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