Hôpital's Rule

Differential calculus offers a way to calculate limits in the case of indeterminate forms of the type 0/0 and ∞/∞.
L'Hospital's Rule is named after a French nobleman, the Marquis de l'Hospital (1661–1704) a student of Johann Bernoulli, a marquis for whom the latter wrote the first textbook of analysis in the years 1691-1692. The portion of this textbook devoted to differential calculus was published in slightly altered form by l'Hopital under his own name in the "Analyse des infiniments petits" in 1696, the first text on differential calculus. Thus "l'Hopital's rule" is really due to Johann Bernoulli. L'Hôpital actually considered only the following special case in which two functions f, g are coninuos on [a,b], differentiable on (a,b) and both infinitesimal for xa and showed that

limxa f(x)/g(x) = f'(a)/g'(a)

where a is finite, and both f'(a) and g'(a) exist, finite, and are not zero. Indeed, using the definition of derivative

f ( a ) g ( a ) = lim h 0 f ( a + h ) f ( a ) h lim h 0 g ( a + h ) g ( a ) h = lim h 0 f ( a + h ) g ( a + h )

since f(a) = g(a) = 0 from the continuity of f,g at a. But this last condition is too restrictive. Indeed we have the following more general theorem.

Theorem 5.7.1 (L'Hôpital's Rule: 0/0 case). Let f and g be defined and differentiable on (x0,b), such that g'(x) ≠ 0 ∀x ∈ (x0,b). Suppose that

lim x x 0 + f ( x ) = lim x x 0 + g ( x ) = 0


lim x x 0 + f ( x ) g ( x ) = lim x x 0 + f ( x ) g ( x ) =

Proof. Without loss of generality, it can be assumed that f(x0) = g(x0) = 0, because redefining the function at x0 does not change the limits at x0 of f, g, f', g' or their ratios (see example 5.7.2 for which changing the value of f(x) for x ∉ (a,b) won't change the limit). For xx0, we may write

f ( x ) g ( x ) = f ( x ) f ( x 0 ) g ( x ) g ( x 0 )

By Cauchy's Mean Value Theorem there is c between x and x0 such that

f ( x ) g ( x ) = f ( x ) f ( x 0 ) g ( x ) g ( x 0 ) = f ( c ) g ( c )

Now as xx0, we must have also cx0 because c is between x and x0. So if

lim x x 0 f ( x ) g ( x ) =


lim x x 0 f ( c ) g ( c ) =


lim x x 0 f ( x ) g ( x ) =

as desired.  □

Note that there is nothing in this proof that requires ℓ to be finite. It works as well for the one-sided left-hand limits.

Example 5.7.2 Evaluate limx ⟶ 0+ f(x), where f is

f = { cos 2 x cos x x 2 , if  x ( 0 , ) 2 , if  x ( 0 , ) .

Applying the de L’Hôpital’s Rule we have

limx ⟶ 0+ f(x) = limx ⟶ 0+(−2sen 2x + sen x)/(2x)

Applying a second time de L’Hôpital’s Rule

limx ⟶ 0+ f(x) = limx ⟶ 0+(−4cos 2x + cos x)/(2) = −3/2. ■

Theorem 5.7.3 (L’Hôpital’s Rule for ∞/∞ Indeterminate Forms). Let f(x),g(x) two functions defined on a open interval I = (a,b) with a ∈ ℝ; Suppose that g is divergent to +∞ (−∞) for xa and that both f,g are differentiable on I. Suppose also that g'(x) < 0 (g'(x) > 0) for all xI. Then if exists

lim x a + f ( x ) g ( x ) =

It holds also that

lim x a + f ( x ) g ( x ) =

Proof. We must show that for every decreasing sequence {an} of (a,b) such that limn ⟶ ∞ xn = a, results

lim n f ( x n ) g ( x n ) =

Suppose that g'(x) > 0 ∀xI: this implies that g(x) is an increasing function and consequenlty by Lemma 5.6.2 that {g(xn)} is decreasing (if g'(x) < 0 it suffices to replace g and f by −g and −f and follow with the proof). By the Stolz–Cesàro theorem we have that the previous is verified if it results

lim n f ( x n + 1 ) f ( x n ) g ( x n + 1 ) g ( x n ) =

From the differentiability of f,gI, we have that for every n ∈ ℕ there exits ξn ∈ (xn, xn+1) and by the Cauchy Mean Value theorem we have

f ( x n + 1 ) f ( x n ) g ( x n + 1 ) g ( x n ) = f ( ξ n ) g ( ξ n )

Since the sequence {ξn} converges as {xn} to a+ we can deduce that being limxa+ f'(x)/g'(x) = ℓ, that

lim n f ( ξ n ) g ( ξ n ) =

which completes the proof.  □

Theorem 5.7.4 Let f(x) and g(x) two function defined on the same interval I = (a, +∞); Suppose f,g to be both infinitesimal for x ⟶ +∞ and differentiable on (a, +∞). Suppose also that g'(x) > 0 (g'(x) < 0) for all xI. Then if exists

lim x f ( x ) g ( x ) =

Then it holds also that

lim x f ( x ) g ( x ) =

Proof. Suppose withouth loss of generality that a > 0 and let x = 1/z, F(z) = f(1/z), G(z) = g(1/z). The functions F(z), G(z) are defined on the interval I' = (a,1/a) and infinitesimal for z ⟶ 0+. By the Chain Rule, the functions F,G are both differentiable ∀z ∈ (0,1/a), and we have

F ( z ) = f ( 1 z ) z 2 , G ( z ) = g ( 1 z ) z 2 , F ( z ) G ( z ) = f ( 1 z ) g ( 1 z )

from which it results G'(z) ≠ 0 if z ∈ (0,1/a) and it exists:

lim z 0 + F ( z ) G ( z ) = lim x f ( z ) g ( z ) =

We can thus apply Theorem 5.7.1 to functions F(z) and G(z) and deduce the existence of the limit

lim z 0 + F ( z ) G ( z ) = lim x f ( z ) g ( z ) =

which proves the theorem.  □

Example 5.7.5. Evaluate the limit

lim x + x ln x + 1 ln x 1

We write

x ln x + 1 ln x 1 = ln x + 1 x 1 1 / x

the right-hand side can also be written as

[ln(x + 1) − ln(x − 1)]/1/x

taking the derivative yields to

−[1/(x + 1) − 1/(x − 1)]/x2 = 2x2/(x2 − 1).

and limx ⟶ +∞ 2x2/(x2 − 1) = 2.  ■

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