
Definition 2.3.1. (Subsequence) Suppone that {an} is any sequence and let

n1 < n2 < n3 < ... < nk < ...

be infinite subset of ℕ i.e. a strictly increasing sequence of natural numbers. Then {ank} is called the subsequence of the squence {an}. For every intege k ∈ ℕ, by induction on k, nk is at least as large as k  □

If {an} is a sequence, if for k ∈ ℕ we set nk = 2k, we get the subsequence {ank} of even-indexed term. Similarly, if by letting nk = 2k − 1, we obtain the subsequence {a2k−1} of odd-indexed terms.

For example consider the sequence {1/n}. Then, the sequence {1/2, 1/4,1/6, ..., 1/2n, ...} is the subsequence of even-indexed terms of {1/n}.

Theorem 2.3.2. If a sequence {an} of real numbers converges to a limit L, then every subsequence {ank} of {an} converges to the same limit.

Proof. Since {an} converges to L, for each ε > 0, there exists a positive integer n0 such that

|anL| < εn > n0

Then taking nnkn0 we have

|ankL| < εn > n0

Hence {ank} converges to L.  □

The converge of the last theorem is not generally true. For example consider {(−1)n}. This sequence is not convergent. But the subsequence {ank} = {1,1,1,..} whose all terms are 1 converges to 1 as n ⟶ ∞

Theorem (Nested intervals property) Consider a decreasing sequnce of nested closed intervals in ℝ:

[a1, b1] ⊃ [a2, b2] ⊃ [a3, b3] ⊃ ...

If the lenghts of these intervals vanish, i.e,

limn ⟶ ∞ bnan = 0

then there is exactly one real number that is common to all of these intervals, i.e.

limn ⟶ ∞ [bnan] = {}

n = 1 [ a n , b n ] = { }

Proof. The nondecreasing sequence of the left end points a1, a2, a3, ... is bounded by any one of the right endpoints bn; so by the Complete Axiom, it has a least upper bound, say α. Similarly, the nonincreasing sequence b1, b2, b3,.. of right end points has a greatest lower bound β. Therefore

a1a2a3 ≤ ... ≤ α ≤ β ≤ ... ≤ b1b2b3

In particular, 0 ≤ βα bnan for every index n. Since limn ⟶ ∞ (bnan) = 0, the squeeze theorem implies that βα = 0. So α = β, and this common value is the number r.  □

The nested intervla property holds because the completeness of real numbers enusres that ther are no gaps in ℝ.

We have proved that a convergent sequence is bounded and that the converse of this theorem is false take {(−1)n} for example. The Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem states that every bounded sequence has a convergent subsequence. Considering an = {(−1)n}, note that the subsequence a2n is the constant sequence 1 and so converges to 1. On the ohter hand a2n + 1 is the constant sequence −1 and so congerges to −1.

Consider the following sequences:

{an} = (1,0,1,0,1,0,...);   {bn} = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,...}

Neither {an} nor {bn} converges. Nervertheless, these two instances of nonconvergent sequences don't feel quite the same: the sequence {an} has a convergent sequence "inside it" while {bn} does not have. Indeed {an} is a bounded sequence.

Theorem (The Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem) Every bounded sequence of real numbers has a convergent subsequence (hence, an accumulation point).

Proof. Let {an} be a bounded sequence in ℝ so that there exists b > 0 satisfying |an| ≤ b and let S = {an : n ∈ ℕ} be the range of {an}. If S is a finite set, then at least one point in it must repeat infinitely ofter; i.e., there is an increasing sequence of indicides n1 < n2 < ... such that anj for all j = 1, 2, 3,.. . It follows that the subsequence anj converges (trivially) to a, making an accumulation point.

If S is infinite, then given the boundedness of {an}, there are real numbers a,b such that S ⊂ [a,b]. If we partition the closed interval [a,b] into halves

[a,b] = [a, a + b/2] ∪ [a + b/2, b]

then at least one on the half interval must contain infinitely many disctinct elements of S. Denote that half interval by [a1,b1] where either a1 or b1 is (a+b)/2 and note that the lenght of [a1,b1] is half the lenght of [a,b], i.e. (ba)/2.
If we further partition [a1,b1] into half intervals, then one of the new hald intervals, call it [a2,b2], contains infinitely many (distinct) points of S, and its lenght is (ba)/4. Repeating this partitioning process generates a nested sequence of hald intervals [ak, bk] such that

  1. [a1, b1] ⊃ [a2, b2] ⊃ [a3, b3] ⊃ ...

  2. the lenght of [ak, bk] is (ba)/2k for every k = 1, 2, 3, ...

  3. [ak, bk] contains infinitely many ponts of S.

By the nested interval property

n = 1 [ a k , b k ] = { }

This number r is in [ak, bk] for every k, which by (iii) above must also contain at least one term an, say ank, where ank. It follows that the distance between ank and cannot exceed the lenght of the interval [ak, bk], i.e.

|ankr| < ε,   kN

We conclude that the subsequence ank converges to and therefore, is an accumulation point.  ■

«Fundamental theorems on sequences Index Cauchy sequences»