Convergence of Sequences

A natural inquiry abount a sequence {an} is whether the terms an come close to any real number when n is extremely large. This is what is known as the convergence of a sequence.

Definition 2.2.1. (Limit of a sequence) A sequence {an} is said to converge to a real number , called the limit of {an}, if for every ε > there exists a natural number n0 such that:

|an| < ε,   ∀nn0

If the sequence {an} converges to the limit , then we write

limn ⟶ ∞ an = .  □

note that the inequality |an| < ε corresponds to the chain of inequalities:

ε < an < + ε

from this relation is clear that: every convergent sequence is as well bounded.

Example 2.2.2. Let an = 1/n, n = 1, 2, ... . Then the sequence converges to 0. For let ε > 0. Choose N to be the next integer after 1/ε (we use the Archimedean property, if r,ε are positive real numbers, then there is a positive integer n sucht that > r). If n > N then

|an − 0| = |an| = 1/n < 1/N < ε

proving the claim.  ■

Example 2.2.3. The sequence an = (n2 + 1)/(n2 + 2n − 1) has limit 1; indeed

1 − (n2 + 1)/(n2 + 2n − 1) = 2(n − 1)/(n2 + 2n − 1) < 2n/n2 = 2/n < ε

for n > 2/ε. It is not generally necessary to find the least n0 such that the previous relation is satisfied.  ■

In some cases ∞ or −∞ can be regarded as “limits” of a sequence {an}. We say that {an} tends to ∞ or diverges to ∞ if for every α ∈ ℝ, there is n0 ∈ ℕ such that an > α for all nn0, and then ∞ if {an} does not tend to ∞. Similarly, we say that {an} tends to −∞ or diverges to −∞ if for every β ∈ ℝ, there is n0 ∈ ℕ such that an < β for all nn0 , and we write an → −∞.

Theorem 2.2.4 Every convergent sequence in ℝ is bounded. The converse is not true.

Proof. Let the sequence {an} converge to the limit . If ε = 1, there exists a positive integer N such that

nN  ⇒  |an| = 1

The triangle inequality yields

|an| − |L| ≤ |an|

it follows |an| ≤ 1 + || for all n > N. Now, set

K = sup {|a1|, |a2|, ..., |an|, || + 1}

Thus |an| ≤ K for all n ∈ ℕ. In other words {an} is bounded by −K and K.  □

Is the converse of the above theorem true? No, as the following example shows. We will show later that a bounded monotone sequence converges.

Exmaple 2.2.5 {(−1)n)} is bounded by 1 but does not have a unique limit. Suppose that (−1)n as n ⟶ ∞. Given ε = 1/2, then there is an N ∈ ℕ such that nN implies |(−1)n| < ε For n odd this implies |1 + | = |−1 −| < 1/2 and for n even this implies |1 − | < 1/2. Hence

2 = |1 + 1| = |(1 − ) + (1 + )| ≤ |1 − | + |1 + | < 1/2 + 1/2 = 1

This implies 2 < 1, a contradiction. Therefore, the sequence (−1)n does not converge.  ■

Theorem 2.2.5. (Monotone Sequence Theorem). A bounded and monotone sequence converges to its supremum as n ⟶ ∞.

Proof. Let {an} a sequence bounded above, whose least upper bound α = sup an exists as a real number. Suppose ε > 0 is given; since α is the least upper bound of {an} there must exist n0 ∈ ℕ such that

nn0  ⇒  an > αε  ⟶  anα < − ε  or   αan < ε

or equivalently

nn0  ⇒  |anα| < ε

thus {an} converges to α as n ⟶ ∞.  □

Our recipe for finding the limit of a sequence {an} is therefore to show that {an} is monotone and bounded.

The Algebra of limits

Theorem 2.2.6. Suppose limn ⟶ ∞ an = a and limn ⟶ ∞ bn = b. Then

  1. the sequence {an ± bn} are convergent, and limn ⟶ ∞ an ± bn = a ± b;

  2. the sequence {anbn} is convergent, and limn ⟶ ∞ anbn = ab;

  3. if b ≠ 0 and {bn} ≠ 0 for n ∈ ℕ, {an/ bn} convergent, and limn ⟶ ∞ an/bn = a/b.

Proof. (a) To prove that an + bna + b, we must show that |(an + bn) − (a + b| can be made small by making n large. By the triangular inequality

|(an + bn) − (a + b)| = |(ana) + (bnb)| ≤ |ana| + |bnb|.

This inequality suggests that, given ε > 0, since {an} converges to a we can find nn1 such that |ana| < ε/2 and similarly since {bn} converges to b we can find nn2 such that |bnb| < ε/2. Then for any nn0 = max{n1, n2}, both inequalities must hold, and so we have

|(an + bn) − (a + b)| = |(ana) + (bnb)| ≤ |ana| + |bnb| < ε/2 + ε/2 = ε.

b) To prove anbnab, we attempt as above to relate the quantity |anbnab| to the quantities |ana| and |bnb|. To this scope we add and subtract the term anb

|anbnab| = |anbnanb + anbab|
≤ |anbnanb| + |anbab|
= |an| |bnb| + |b| |ana|

Since ana, |ana| < ε; and by the triangle inequality |an| < |a| + ε; Since bnb, |bnb| < ε; Thus

|anbnab| < (|a| + ε) ε + |b|ε < ε ⋅ cost.

from the arbitrary of ε we have the claim.

c) We have

| a n b n a b | = | a n b a b n | | b n b | | a | | b n b | + | b | | a n b | | b n | | b |

since |ana| < ε; and |bnb| < ε; and by the triangle inequality |bn| < |b| + ε we have

| a n b n a b | < ε | a | + | b | | b | 2

from the arbitrary of ε the claim follows.  □

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