Sums of Subspaces

The union of subspaces is rarely a subspace, which is why we shall define and work with the sum rather than unions.

Theorem 1.8.1. The union of two subspaces of a vector space V is a subspace of V if and only if one of the subspaces is contained in the other.

Proof. Suppose W1 and W2 are two subspaces of a vector space V over a field 𝔽.

Conversly, suppose W1W2 is a subspace. We shall show that either W1W2 or W2W1.
Let us assume that neither W1 is a subset of W2 nor W2 is a subset of W1. Then

W1 not a subset of W2 ⇒ ∃αW1W2  (1)
W2 not a subset of W1 ⇒ ∃βW2W1  (2)

From (1) and (2) we have αW1W2 and βW1W2. Since by hyphotheis W1W2 is a subspace, therefore α + βW1W2. But α + βW1W2α + βW1 or α + βW2. Suppose α + βW1. Since αW1 and W1 is a subspace, therefore (α + β) − α = β is in W1. But from (2) we have βW1, thus we get a contradiction. Supposing that α + βW2. Since βW2 and W2 is a subspace, therefore (α + β) − β = α is in W2. But from (1) we have αW2, thus we get again a contradiction. Hence either W1W2 or W2W1.  □

Theorem 1.8.3. (Intersection Theorem) If U and W are subspaces of a vector space V, then so is UW.

Proof. First we observe that since U and W are subspaces, 0UW. Suppose that in addition, x,yUW. Then x,yU and x,yW. Since U and W are subspaces x + yU and αxU for any scalar α. Similarly x + yW and αxW. Hence x + yUW and αxUW for all scalars α.  □

Definition 1.8.4 (Sum of subsets) Suppose U1, ..., Um are subsets of V. The sum of U1, ..., Um, denoted U1 + ... + Um, is the set of all possible sums of elements of U1, ..., Um
More precisely,

U1 + ... + Um = {u1 + ... + um: u1U1, ..., umUm} □

This definition extends to subspaces, for example U and V are subspaces of the vector space W, their sum is

U + W ={ u + v | uU, wW}

Example 1.8.2 Suppose U is the set of all elements of 𝔽3 whose second and third coordinates equal 0, and W is the set of all elements of 𝔽3 whose first and third coordinates equal 0:

U ={(x, 0, 0) ∈ 𝔽3 : x ∈ 𝔽}  and  W ={(0, y, 0) ∈ 𝔽3 : y ∈ 𝔽}


U + W ={(x, y, 0): x,y ∈ 𝔽}

as you should verify. ■

Direct Sum

If two vector subspaces intersect trivially, that is UV = {0}, then the sum U + W is called a direct sum and is written as UV.

Definition 1.8.3 (Internal Direct Sum). If U and V are subspaces of the vector space W such that

  1. span(UV) = V, and

  2. UV = {0}.

then the subspace U + V is called internal direct sum of subspaces, denoted by UV. In this case U and V are called summands of UV.  □

We used the term, "internal" to distinguish it from the external direct product, introduced when groups were covered: this direct sum is the direct product U x V of two spaces with coordinate-wise arithmetic on elements of the product.
It is also worth noting that the defining property (a) of the direct sum is equivalent to saying that every vector vV can be written in the form w = u1 + v1 for some u1U and v1V.

Properties of the Direct Sum

A direct sum has considerably more interesting propertiese than simply the sum of two vector spaces; One is that dimensions simply add up

dim(UV) = dim(U) + dim(V)

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