Direct Products

The Cartesian product, with operations defined coordinatewise, allowed us to construct new rings from known ones, as direct sum. The same is true for groups. Direct products are an easy way to construct larger groups from smaller ones. This construction yields all finite abelian groups.

Definition 7.17.1 (External Direct product of two groups) Let G (with operation ⋅) and H (with operation *) be groups. Define an operation ∘ on G X H by

(g, h) ∘ (g', h') = (g⋅g', h*h').

Then G X H is a group. If G and H are abelian, then so is G X H. If G and H are finite, then so is G x H and |G x H| = |G| |H|. For G and H abelian, with groups operations written as addition, often the direct product is written instead as a (direct) sum.


The notion of direct product can be extended to more than two groups.

Definition 7.17.2 (Generalized External direct product). If G1,G2,...,Gn are groups. The (direct) product is defined as the set

G1 x G2 x ... x Gn = {(g1, g2,..., gn)| giGi}

along with the coordinatewise operation, ∘, on the Cartesian product G1 x G2 x ... x Gn defined as

(g1, g2,..., gn) ∘ (g'1, g'2,..., g'n) := (g1g1', g2g2', ..., gng'n)

It is easy to verify that G1 x G2 x ... x Gn, is a group under this operation: If ei is the identity element of Gi, then (e1, e2, en) is the identity element of G1 x G2 x ... x Gn, and (a−1, a2−1, ... ,an−1) is the inverse of (a1, a2, ..., an). This group is called the external direct product of G1,G2,...,Gn. When each Gi is an additive abelian group, the external direct product of Gi, is sometimes called the direct sum and denoted G1G2 ⊕ ... ⊕ Gn

More in depth, if for the sake of simplicity we consider only G1 x G2, we can verify the properties of

  1. Closure: We have (g1,g2)(g1',g2') = (g1g1', g2g2') ∈ G1 x G2, because g1g1' ∈ G1, with g1, g1' ∈ G1 because G1 is a group. Similarly g2g2' ∈ G2.

  2. Associativity: If (g1,g2), (g1', g2'), (g1'', g2'') ∈ G1 x G2 then

    [(g1,g2) (g1', g2')] (g1'', g2'') =
    (g1g1', g2g2') (g1'', g2'') = ([g1 g1']g1'', [g2g2'] g2'')=
    (g1 [g1'g1''], g2[g2' g2''])=
    (g1,g2) (g1'g2'', g2'g2'') =
    (g1,g2) [(g1', g2') (g1'', g2'')]

  3. If (g1,g2) ∈ G1 x G2, then (eG1,eG2) (g1,g2) = (eG1g1,eG2g2) = (g1,g2). Therefore (eG1,eG2) is the left identity of G1 x G2;

  4. Existence of left inverse (g1, g2)−1 is (g1−1, g2−1).

Notice that neither G1 nor G2 is a subgroup of G1 x G2, but G1 x G2 does contain isomorphic replicas of each, namely,

G1* = G1 x eG2 = {(g1, eG2): g1G1} and  G2* = G2 x eG1 = {(eG1,g2): g2G2}.


(g1, eG2) (eG1, g2) = (g1, g2) = (eG1, g2) (g1, eG2)

every element of G is the product of an element of G1* and one of G2*. Moreover two such elements commute.

Examples 7.17.3

  1. Let G1 = ℤ2 and G2 = ℤ3. Then

    2 x ℤ3 = {(0̅, 0̅), (0̅, 1̅), (0̅, 2̅), (1̅, 0̅), (1̅, 1̅), (1̅, 2̅)}

    the elements order of ℤ2 x ℤ3 are respectively 1, 3, 3, 2, 6, 6. Which is a cyclic group of order 6, thus

    2 x ℤ3 ≃ ℤ6

  2. Let G1 = ℤ2 and G2 = ℤ4. The external product ℤ2 x ℤ4 is made by 8 elements, but this time there is no element with order 8, hence we are not dealing with the cyclic i.e.2 x ℤ4 ≠ ℤ8. ■

Definition 7.17.4 (Internal direct product of subgroups). Let G be a group and H, K be normal subgroups of G such that G = HK and HK = {1}. Then G is called the internal direct product of H and K. If G is an additive abelian group, then it is called the internal direct sum of H and K and denoted by G = HK.

Theorem 7.17.5 Let H and K two groups, and let G = H x K, their external direct product. Then G has two subgroups , , such that

  1. H, K;

  2. ⊲̲ G, ⊲̲ G;

  3. G = H̄K̄;

  4. = {(eH, eK)} = trivial subgroup of H x K

Proof. Let

:= H x {eK} = {(h, eK) | hH}
:= K x {eH} = {(k, eH) | kK}

Consider the mapping φ: H x KK by (h, k) ⟼ k. It is not hard to show that this map is a homomorphism from G onto K. Obviously the map is onto K. Then

φ( (h,k) ⋅ (h',k') ) = φ( (hh',kk') ) = kk' = φ(h,k) φ(h',k')

φ is a homomorphim of H x K onto K. The kernel of φ is {(h,k): (h,k) ⟼ eK} = {(h, eK): hH} = H1. This establishes that is a normal subgroup of G and that G/K by the group isomorphism theorem. In an identical fashion using the map (h,k) ⟼ h, it can be shown that is a normal subgroup of G and G/H.

Since and are normal subgroups of G = H x K, then it follows from Lemma 7.12.4 that H̄K̄G is a subgroup. Let (h, k) be any element of G = H x K. Then (h, k) = (h, eK) (eH, k) ∈ H̄K̄. This shows GH̄K̄. Hence G = H̄K̄.

Finally, consider . If (x, y) ∈ then (x ,y) ∈ and (x, y) ∈ . But if (x, y) ∈ then y = eK and if (x, y) ∈ then x = eH. This implies that (x,y) = (eH, eK). Then all conditions listed above are satisfied.  □

If a group has two subgroups and satisfying the conditions b), c), d) of the previous theorem, then G is said internal direct product of its subgroups and . We just proved that a a group which is an external direct product of two groups is isomorphic to the internal product.

The previous theorem says that inside any direct product of two groups there are two normal subgroups whose product is the whole group and whose intersection is trivial. We now see that the converse of this is true as well providing a method for recognizing that a group G is isomorphic to the direct product of two groups.

Theorem 7.17.6 Let G a group and let H and K two subgroups of G, such that

  1. H and K are normal subgroups of G;

  2. G = HK;

  3. HK = {e};

Then GH x K.

Before proving the theorem we introduce two lemmas.

Lemma 7.17.7 Let G a group and let H and K two subgroups of G, such that

H ⊲̲ G,   K ⊲̲ G,   HK = {e};

Then, for every hH and every kK it results hk = kh.

Proof. Let x = khk−1. From x = (hkh−1)k−1, it is clear that since hkh−1K for the normality of K in G then xK. From x = h(kh−1k−1), for the normality of H in G, x belongs to H. From HK{e}, it follows that x = hkh−1k−1 = e, thus hk = kh. □

Lemma 7.17.8 Let G a group and let H and K two subgroups of G, such that

  1. G = HK;

  2. HK = {e};

Then every gG is written uniquely as product of an element hH by an element kK.

Proof. By condition a) every gG can be written as hk for some hH by an element kK. To prove the uniqueness of the writing, suppose we have

g = hk = h'k'

Then h−1hkk'−1 = h−1h'k'k'−1, from which kk'−1 = h−1h'HK = {e}. Thus h = h' and k = k' is a unique writing.  □

We now prove the theorem.

Proof of Theorem 7.17.6. We define the following map

Ψ : H x KG
(h,k) ⟼ hk

The application is surjective for condition b) of the statement. It is injective by lemma 7.17.8 and it is also a homomorphism by lemma 7.17.7. We thus proved that G is isomorphic to the direct product H by K.  □

The theorems just proved show us that the internal direct product HK is isomorphic to the direct product H x K; We shall use the symbols HK and H x K as well as the terms "internal direct product" and "direct product" interchangeably.

The last theorem says that to check whether a group is isomorphic to a direct product, it is enough to check the conditions of the theorem. We give some examples.

Example 7.17.9 The group (ℤ, +) is not a direct product of two non-trivial groups since the intersection of its subgroups is always non-trivial. ■

Example 7.17.10 The symmetric group S3 is not a direct product, since it possesses a single normal subgroup. ■

Example 7.17.1112 is isomorphic to the direct product ℤ3 x ℤ4, since the two subgroups

H = {0̅, 4̅, 8̅},   K = {0̅, 3̅, 6̅, 9̅}

sono normal with intersection reduced to the class 0̅, and are such that ℤ12 = H + K. Moreover H ≃ ℤ3 and K ≃ ℤ4.  ■

Example 7.17.12 The dihedral group D4 is not a direct product, since two whatever non-trivial normal subgroups of D4 intersect to give a non-trivial subgroup, containing the element r2. ■

Example 7.17.13 The orthogonal group O3(R) is isomorphic to the direct product of SO3 (orthogonal matrices with determinant 1) by ℤ2. More generally

On ≃ SOn x ℤn,   n odd  ■

Example 7.17.14 (ℂ, +) is isomorphic to (ℝ, +) x (ℝ, +).  ■

The following properties hold:

Proposition 7.17.15. Let G1 x G2 x ... x Gk. Then

  1. if every factor has finite order,

    |G1 x G2 x ... x Gk| = |G1| |G2| ⋅⋅⋅ |Gk|;

  2. G1 x G2 x ... x Gk is abelian if and only if for every Gi is abelian;

  3. |(g1, g2, ..., gk)| = lcm (|g1|,|g2|, ..., |gk|), the order is infinite if one of the gi has inifnite order;

  4. if every Gi has finite order, G1 x G2 x ... x Gk is cyclic if and only if every Gi is cyclic and (|Gi, Gj|) = 1, for every ij.

Proof. Points (a), and (b) are obvious. (c) let m = lcm (|g1|,|g2|, ..., |gk|) and let t the order of (g1, g2, ..., gk). From

(e, e, ..., e) = (g1, g2, ..., gk)t = (g1t, g2t, ..., gkt)

it results that t is a multiple of every |gi|, hence m| t. On the other hand from

(e, e, ..., e) = (g1m, g2m, ..., gkm)

we have t | m. Thus t = m.

(d) (⇒) That Gi are cyclic is obvious, because isomorphic to a subgroup of a cyclic group. Let gi a generator of Gi, the element g = (g1, g2, ..., gk) has greatest order among all the elements of G1 x G2 x ... x Gk and by point (c) its order is lcm(g1, g2, ..., gk). If it were (|Gi|, |Gj|) = d ≠ 1 for some i,j, i ≠ j then the order of (g1, g2, ..., gk) would be

(|g1||g2| ⋅⋅⋅ |gk|) / d < |g1| |g2| ⋅⋅⋅ |gk|

and it couldn't be a generator of of G1 x G2 x ... x Gk.

To understnad the last passage: Suppose gcd(m,n) = d, then gmn/d = (gm)n/d = e.

(⇐) If every Gi is cyclic and (|Gi|, |Gj|) for every i, j, ij, then letting gi a generator of Gi for every i = 1, ..., k, the element (g1, g2, ..., gk) has order |g1| |g2| ⋅⋅⋅ |gk|, hence G1 x G2 x ... x Gk is cyclic. □

Corollary 7.17.16. ℤr x ℤs is isomrphic to ℤrs (that is cyclic) if and only if (r,s) = 1.

Theorem 7.17.6 can be generalized to the product of more than two groups as follows

Theorem 7.17.17. Let G a group and let N1, N2, ...., Nk subgroups of G such that

  1. Ni ⊲̲ G;

  2. G = N1N2⋅⋅⋅Nk;

  3. Ni ∩ (N1 N2 ⋅⋅⋅ Ni −1iNi+1 ⋅⋅⋅ Nk) = {e} ∀i = 1,...,k.

Then G is isomorphic to the direct product N1 x N2 x ⋅⋅⋅ Nk

Proof. We define the map

f: N1 × N2 × ··· × NkG
f(a1, a2, ..., ak) = a1a2···ak.

The map f is surjective because by hypothesis (b), each element of G can be written in the form a1 a2···ak for some aiNi, i = 1,2, ... ,k. The map f is injective because when f(a1, a2, ..., ak) = f(b1, b2, ..., bk), we obtain that a1a2···ak = b1b2 ··· bk, so that by the uniqueness of writing each element of G as a product, we have a1 = b1, a2 = b2, ... , ak = bk.

By Lemma 7.17.7, we then have that aibj = bjai for all aiNi and bjNj when ij. We use this fact to show that f is a homomorphism

f((a1, a2, ..., ak) (b1, b2, ..., bk)) = f(a1b1, a2b2, ... , akbk)
= a1b1a2b2···akbk
= a1a2b1b2···akbk
= a1a2···akb1b2···bk
= f(a1, a2, ..., ak) f(b1, b2, ..., bk)

Therefore f: N1 × N2 ×··· × NkG is an isomorpism.  □

We've seen that if a group is a direct product then there exist in G two subgroups H K such that G = HK and HK = {e}. And to prove this we used the fact kh' = h'k of Lemma 7.17.6

hkh'k' = hh'kk'   ∀ h,h'H, ∀ k,k'K   (7.17.1)

We suppose now that the group possesses a normal subgroup N and another subgroup (not necessarily normal) H such that

G = NH,   NH = {e}

in this case (7.17.1) does not hold anymore i.e. in general nhn'h'nn'hh'. But it is always true that

nhn'h' = nhn'h'h−1hh'   (7.17.2)

where hn'h−1, being conjugates of an element of N, which is normal. We have now that the product of two elements nh and n'h' of NH does not equal (as in the case of both subgroups normal) the product of nn' by hh', but the product of n(hn'h−1) by hh'; The difference is that in place of n' there must be the conjugate of n' through the element h. Thus for every hH the following map is defined

γh: NN

an automorphism of N. Note that in the case of H normal as well, this automorphism results the identical automorpshim: indeed we have hn' = n'h, from which hn'h−1 = n'.

We can define the following map

Φ: H ⟶ Aut(N)

which is a homomorpshim. Equation 7.17.2, can be written in terms of the last homomorphism as

nhn'h' = (h)(n')hh'

Note that, in case of H normal in G, Φ(h)(n') = n' we find 7.17.1.

Let now H and K two arbitrary groups and let Φ a homomorpshim from K to Aut(H). In the cartesian product H x K we can define the following operation

(h,k)(h',k') := (hΦ(k)(h'),kk')  (7.17.3)

H x K with this operation is a group, and the subsets

H1 = {(h,eK) | hH}
K1 = {(eH, k) | kK}

are two normal subgroups in H x K of which H1 is isomorphic to H and K1 to K.

Definition 7.17.18. Let H and K two groups and Φ a homomorphism from K to Aut(H). The cartesian product H x K along with the operation 7.17.3 is named semidirect product of H x K through the homomorphism Φ, indicated by

H ×Φ K

The analogous theorem for direct product can be given for semidirect products:

Theorem 7.17.19 Let N and H two subgroups of a group G. If N is normal in G, and G = NH and NH = {e}, then G is isomorphic to the semidirect product NΦ H, where Φ: H ⟶ Aut(N) is the automorphism defined by

Φ(h)(n) = hnh−1

Proof. The map

Ψ: N ×Φ HG (n,h) ⟼ nh

is a surjective homomoerphism, whose kernel is the neutral element, hence a isomorphism.   □

Examples 7.17.20 Let G = S3, N = ⟨(1,2,3)⟩, and H = ⟨(1,2)⟩. Then it results

S3N ×Φ H

where Φ((1,2)(1,2,3)) = (1,2)(1,2,3)(1,2)−1 = (1,3,2). The map between N ×Φ H and S3 is the following

(id,id) ⟼ id
((1,2,3), id) ⟼ (1,2,3)
((1,3,2), id) ⟼ (1,3,2)
(id, (1,2)) ⟼ (1,2)
((1,2,3), (1,2) ⟼ (1,3)
((1,3,2), (1,2) ⟼ (2,3) ■

so with a direct product, (a,x)(b,y) = (ab, xy) with a semidirect product, (a,x)(b,y) = (a φx(b), xy).

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