Direct Sums of Rings

One way of constructing new rings from existing one is through the direct sum of rings. Recall that the cartesian product of two sets A x B consists of the collection of ordered pairs {(a,b):aA, bB}. If R and S are rings we can form a new ring out the cartesian product in the following manner. Let R x S the cartesian product of R and S considered just as sets. On the set R x S define

(r1,s1) + (r2,s2) = (r1 + r2) + (s1 + s2)


(r1,s1) ⋅ (r2,s2) = (r1 r2, s1s2)

Under the operations defined above R x S becomes a ring. The zero element is (0,0) where the first 0 is the zero element of R and the second 0 is he zero element of S. We call this ring direct sum of the rings R and S denoted by R + S. R + S is commutative if and only if both R and S are commutative.

We can extended the direct sum to any finite number of rings R1, ..., Rn.

We shall define an analogous notion, the direct product(sum) of groups.

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