Simple Extensions
We shall se now how given a field F and one of its extension K, is possible to obtain intermidiate extensions between K and F. Usually if you just add a random element to a field, you lose the closure property and the inverse property unless you also add a whole slew of other elements; thus we follow a different path.
Starting with a field F and a subfield K. If u ∈ F, what can be said about the subfields of F that contain both u and K? Is there a smallest such subfield? The answer to the first two questions is quite easy. Let F be an extension field of K and u ∈ F. Let K(u) denote the intersection of all subfields of F that contain both K and u (this family of subfields is nonempty since F at least is in it). Since the intersection of any family of subfields of F is itself a field (Exercise 1), K(u) is a field. By its definition, K(u) is contained in every subfield of F that contains K and u, and, hence, K(u) is the smallest subfield of F containing K and u. K(u) is said to be a simple extension of K.
It turns out that the structure of K(u) depends on whether or not u is the root of some polynomial in F[x].
Definition 8.2.1. Let F a field, and let a1, a2, ..., an be elements of some extension E of F. We use F(a1, a2, ..., an) to denote the smallest subfield of E that contains F and the set {a1, a2, ..., an}. Next theorem shows that F(a1, a2, ..., an) is the intersection of all subfields of E that contain F and the set {a1, a2, ..., an}.
Let K an extension of F and let S a subset of K. We indicate as
F[S] the intersection of all subrings of K containing F and S
F(S) the intersection of all subfields of K containing F and S
Then it results
F[S] ⊆ F(S) ⊆ K
In addition F(S) is the quotient field of F[S]. On the other hand, a union of subfields is not in general a subfield as the following figure shows

Example 8.2.2. Let F be any field and let x1, ..., xn be independent variables. The polynomial ring F[x1, ..., xn] is an integral domain (see Proposition 4.3). The quotient field of F[x1, ..., xn] is denoted F(x1, ..., xn). It consists of all fractions f/g, with f,g ∈ F[x1, ..., xn] and g ≠ 0, and the usual addition and multiplication. Then F(x) is an extension of F. ■
We now want to know which are the elements of F(S). We start by adding a single elements to a field F, i.e we study the case S = {a} that is F(S) is a simple extension. The standard procedure for constructing the complex numbers from the real numbers is to ‘adjoin’ a square root of −1; that is, an element i satisfying i2 + 1 = 0. We will now describe this procedure, ‘adjoining the root of a polynomial’, in more detail.
8.2.3 Proposition. Let K an extension of F and let a ∈ K. Then F(a) = T where T is the defined as the set
Proof. Given an extension field K of F and an element a ∈ K, any subfield that contains F and a must be closed under sums and products, so it must contain all elements of the form α0 + α1 a + ... + αnan, where αi ∈ F for 0 ≤ i ≤ n. Furthermore, since it must be closed under division, it must contain all elements of the form
(α0 + α1 a + ... + αnan) / (β0 + β1 a + ... + βnan)
such that the denominator is nonzero. We clearly have
T ⊆ F(a)
since that T is a field containing F and a. The reverse inclusion holds as well, F(a) ⊆ T, since the elements of T must be contained in every field containing F and a. □
Example 8.2.4. Let F = ℚ, K = ℝ and a = π, then
ℚ(π) means the smallest possible subfield of ℝ containing π and all ℚ. Notice how ℚ is a field, but the set ℚ ∪ {π} is not even a ring, much less a field. ■
Example 8.2.5. Let F = ℚ, K = ℝ and a = √3, then
However given that √32 = 3, the expressions inside ℚ(√3) can be reduced to
are bot elements of ℚ. Thus the elements of ℚ(√3) can be all be written in the form q0 + q1 √3, with q0, q1 ∈ ℚ. Then
ℚ(√3) = {q0 + q1√3 | q0, q1 ∈ ℚ} □
In the last case we have seen that the extension can be simplified, whilst in the first case it wasn't possible. The reason behind this behavior lies down to the specific nature of the element a we are adjoining.
Definition 8.2.14. Let K be an extension field of F and let a ∈ K. If there exists a nonzero polynomial f(x) ∈ F[x] such that f(a) = 0, then a is said to satisfy the polynomial f(x) and to be algebraic over F. Otherwise, a is said transcendental over F. □
Remark. When a real number is called transcendental, it usually means that it is transcendental over ℚ. For example, it was proved by Lindemann that π is a transcendental number; there is no nozero f(x) ∈ ℚ[x] with f(π) = 0. I numeri trascendenti sono numeri irrazionali che non sono radici di alcun polinomio a coefficienti razionali. Ossia un numero trascendente è un numero reale che non è soluzione di alcuna equazione polinomiale della forma
axn + a(n−1)x(n−1) + ... + a1 x + a0 = 0
dove n è un numero naturale maggiore di zero ed i coefficienti ai sono numeri razionali non tutti nulli. ■
Example 8.2.6. For instance, the number √2 is an element of ℝ that is algebraic over ℚ, because it is a root of x2 − 2 ∈ ℚ[x]. Of course, √2 is also a zero of x3 − 2x and of x4 − 3x2 + 2 = (x2 − 2)(x2 − 1). Both these other polynomials having 2 as a zero were multiples of x2 − 2. Another example is ∛2 and (4 + √2)1/5 are algebraic over ℚ since they are zeros of x3 − 2 and (x5 − 4)2 − 2 respectively. ■
Example 8.2.7. In the extension field ℂ of ℝ, i is algebraic over ℝ because i is the root of x2 + 1 ∈ ℝ[x]. You can easily verify that element 2 + i of ℂ is a root of x3 − x2 − 7x + 15 ∈ ℚ[x]. Thus 2 + i is algebraic over 0. ■
Example 8.2.8. Every element c in a field F is algebraic over F because c is the root of x − c ∈ F[x]. ■
The familiar constants e and π are transcendental over ℚ. The analytic proofs lie beyond the scope of this book. That e is transcendental was proved by Charles Hermite (1822–1882) in 1873, and the corresponding result for π was proved by the German mathematician Ferdinand Lindemann (1852–1939) in 1882. It is well known that eπ is transcendental, while it is not known the nature of πe.
Theorem 8.2.9. Let F a field and K an extension of F. Let a ∈ K, the mapping
Ψa: F[x] ⟶ K
f(x) ⟼ f(a)
is a ring homomorphism with Im Ψa = F[a] known as the evaluation homomorphism.
Proof. For every f,g ∈ F[x] it results
Ψa(f+g) = (f + g)(a) = f(a) + g(a) = Ψa(f) + Ψa(g)
Ψa(fg) = (fg)(a) = f(a) g(a) = Ψa(f) Ψa(g)
Thus this is a ring homomorphism.
The image of the homomorhism Im Ψa is a subring of K which contains F and a, thus it contains F[a]. On the other hand, if t is an element in Im Ψa, then t = Ψa(f) for some f ∈ F[x]. If
f(x) = ∑ni=0 αixi, αi ∈ F
t = Ψa(f) = ∑ni=0 αixi ∈ F[a]
thus Im Ψa = F[a]. □
Corollary 8.2.10. Let F a field and let K an extension of F. Given a ∈ K and Ψa the evaluation homomorphism, a results algebraic if and only if Ker Ψa ≠ 0 (thus a is transcendental if and only if Ker Ψa ≠ 0).
Theorem 8.2.11. Let F a field, K an extension of F and a transcendental over F, then there exists an isomorphism between F(a) and the field of rational functions F(x) with coefficient in F. In particular, [F(a) : F] is infinite.
Proof. From theorem 8.2.9, corollary 8.2.10 and the fundamental homomorphism ring theorem, follows that
F[a] ≃ F[x]
Then their quotient fields are isomorphic as well, i.e.:
F(a) ≃ F(x)
[F(a) : F] is infinite because: 1, a, a2, ..., ai, ... are linearly independent over F. □
Remark. The vectors 1 = a0, a, a2, ..., ai are linearly independent only when a is transcendental. If a were algebraic over F, e.g. consider the algebraic a = √2, over the reals, we'd have a2 − 2 = 0, which is linear dependent combinations of powers. □
Thus if K is an extension of F, all the extension of F(a) with a transcendental over F are mutually isomorphic; the element a can be regarded as an unknown x and F(a) can be identified with rational function in the indeterminate x.
Next theorem shows how the finite or infinite nature F(a) over F determines whether a is algebraic or transcendental over F.
Definition 8.2.12. Let K be an extension of a field F. Let α ∈ K be algebraic over F. We define the minimal polynomial of α over F as the unique monic, irreducible polynomial p in F[x] that has α as a root. □
8.2.13 Theorem. Let K an extension F and let a an algebraic element over F. Then, if Ψa is the evaluation homomorphism from F to K,
Ker (Ψa) = (p(x)) where p(x) is a monic irreducible polynomial in F[x] known as the minimal polynomial of a over F.
A polynomial f(x) ∈ F[x] has a zero in a, if and only if p(x) divides f(x);
F(a) = F[a] and F(a) ≃ F[x]/(p(x));
[F(a) : F] = deg p(x) and F(a) has basis 1, a, a2, ..., an − 1
From the fundamental theorem on ring homomorphism, we have
F[a] ≃ F[x]/ Ker Ψa
Now, F[a] as subring of a field, is an integral domain (see Proposition 6.1.5), hence by Theorem 1.6.11 Ker Ψa is a prime ideal hence generated by an irreducible element; The division of this polynomial by its leading coefficient yields a monic polynomial with minimal degree zeroed by a.
A polynomial f(x) ∈ F[x] is such that f(a) = 0 if and only if f(x) ∈ Ker Ψa and thus if and only if p(x) | f(x).
It results F(a) = F[a], since under current hypothesis (Ker Ψa is generated by an irreducible element) the quotient F[x]/ Ker Ψa, and thus F[a] are fields. Since F[a] contains are F and a, it follows that F[a] = F(a) and F(a) ≃ F[x]/p(x).
Let n the degree of p(x). We prove that the element 1, a, a2, ..., an − 1 are a basis for F[a] (= F(a)). We prove first the linear independence; Let
and consider the polynomial f(x) = ∑n − 1i=0 αixi ∈ F[x]. Since f is a polynomial zeroed by a, it belongs to Ker Ψa, thus a multiple of p(x) (by point a) being a zero of f is the same as being in Ker(Ψa), and this is the ideal ⟨p(x⟩ which is exactly all the multiples in F[x] of the polynomial p(x)).
Being, n the degree of p(x), whilst n − 1 that of f(x), f(x) must necessarily be a null polynomial thus all the αi must be null. The linear independence of 1, a, a2, ..., an − 1 is thus proved. We now prove that the 1, a, a2, ..., an − 1 are generators of F[x]. If s is an element of F[a], there exists a polynomial f(x) ∈ F[x], such that s = Ψa(f(x)) = f(a). Dividing f(x) by p(x) we obtainf(x) = q(x)p(x) + r(x), r = 0 or deg(r(x)) < deg(p(x))
Evaluating the relation in a we obtain
f(a) = q(a)p(a) + r(x) = q(a) ⋅ 0 = r(a)
We managed to express s = f(a) as linear combination of elements 1, a, a2, ..., an − 1, which are thus generators. □
Notice how the writing f(a) = α0 + α1a + α2 a2 + ... + αn −1an − 1 of every element F[a] is unique, since the elements 1, a, a2, ..., an − 1 represent a basis.
8.2.14 Corollary. Let K an extension of the field F and let a ∈ K. Then a is algebraic if and only if F(a) is a finite extension, whilst is transcendental if and only if F(a) is an infinite extension.
Proof. If a is transcendental, by theorem 8.2.11 we know that F[x] ≃ F(a), and [F(a) : F] is infinite because: 1, a, a2, ..., ai, ... are linearly independent over F.
If a is algebraic, by theorem 8.2.13(c) we know that in this case F[a] is a field such that F[a] = F(a). The minimal polynomial has degree n = [F(a) : F] and F(a) has the finite basis: 1, a, a2, ..., an − 1. □
Nota bene: "simple" doesn't mean finite in the sense of degree, = vector-space dimension. ℚ(π) is a simple extension of ℚ, since {π} has just one element, but it's infinite-dimensional since π is transcendental.
8.2.15 Example. We've thus characterized simple extensions. Suppose now to build the extension ℚ(S), with S = {√3, √5} and calculate its degree in ℚ. We proceed in this way: we adjoin first √3 obtaining the extension ℚ(√3) and then adjoin the element √5 to ℚ(√3). With the aid of theorem 8.2.16 we can easily calculate the degree of the extension. √3 is algebraic over ℚ, of degree 2 since its minimal polynomial is x2 − 3; By theorem 8.2.16 ℚ(√3) ≃ ℚ([x]/(x2 − 3). We now adjoin √5 to ℚ(√3). The polynomial x2 − 5 is irreducible (not only over ℚ, but also) over ℚ(√3) (Why? see the exercises). Thus the extension ℚ(√3,√5) = (ℚ(√3))(√5) has degree two over ℚ(√3). Then by theorem 8.2.4 we have
[ℚ(√3)(√5) : ℚ] = [ℚ(√3,√5) : ℚ(√3)][ℚ(√3) : ℚ] = 2 ⋅ 2 = 4.
Since a basis of ℚ(√3,√5) over ℚ(√3) is {1, √5} and a basis over ℚ(√3) over ℚ is {1,√3}, a basis of ℚ(√3,√5) over ℚ is given (se theorem ) by
1, √3, √5, √3√5 = √15
ℚ(√3)(√5) = {a + b√3 + c√5 + d√15 | a,b,c,d ∈ ℚ}
If we had ℚ(√2)(√3), then we would have also added √6 "accidentally".
Algebraically Closed Fields and Algebraic Closures
We are now able to prove the following theorem.
8.2.16 Theorem. Let K an extension of F. Then the algebraic elements of K, over F make a subfield of K.
Proof. It suffices to prove that if a and b are algebraic over F, then are so a ± b, ab and a/b.
Let a of degree n, and b of degree m. Then
[F(a) : F] = n
Since b is algebraic of degree m over F, it is algebraic of degree ≤ m over F(a), (Say F is ℚ, a = √2, b = √a = 21/4. The minimal polynomial of b over ℚ is x4 − 2, but over ℚ(a) = ℚ(√2), it's x2 − √2, with degree 2 < 4)
It follows that
[F(a,b) : F] = [F(a,b) : F(a)] [F(a) : F] ≤ nm
Now, a ± b, ab and a/b are all in F(a,b) that is F(a ± b), F(ab), F(a/b) which is a finite extension of F. By corollary 8.2.17 a ± b, ab and a/b are all algebraic over F. □
Remark 8.2.17. In the previous theorem we proved that if a and b are algebraic respectevely of degree n and m then a ± b, ab and a/b are algebraic of ≤ nm. □
Remark 8.2.18. The set A of all algebraic numbers over ℚ is the field of algebraic numbers. This field is an extension of ℚ, in which every element a ∈ A is algebraic and thus [ℚ(a) : ℚ] < ∞, and
[A : ℚ] = ∞
Suppose instead that [A : ℚ] = n. We shall show there exists an element a in ℚ of degree greater than n. It suffices to take for example
a = 21/(n + 1)
which is the root of the polynomial (irreducible over ℚ) xn+1 − 2. Thus this polynomial is the minimal polynomial for a having degree n + 1. It results then
[ℚ(a) : ℚ] = n + 1 > [A : ℚ] = n
contradicting the fact that a ∈ A. □
So A is a subfield of ℂ which is algebraic over ℚ i.e. consists of algebraic numbers. It contains 1,2,3/5,sqrt(2),i,1/2+cbrt(7/3)/5 etc..
Definition 8.2.19. An extension K of a field F is said algebraic if every element of K is algebraic over F. □
For example, the field of complex numbers ℂ is an algebraic extension of ℝ as every element a + ib in ℂ, satisfies the polynomial in ℝ[x]:
x2 − 2ax + (a2 + b2)
Every finite extension of a field F is an algebraic extension, but the converse is not true: indeed for example A is an algebraic extension, but infinite.
Theorem 8.2.20. Let L an algebraic extension of K and let K an algebraic extension of F. Then L is an algebraic extension over F.
Proof. To prove the theorem it suffices to show that every element of L belongs to a finite extension of F. Let l ∈ L. Since l is algebraic over K, then l is a root of the polynomial
k0 + k1x + k2x2 + ... + knxn ki ∈ K
Now, every ki, as element of K, which is algebraic over F, is algebraic over F and thus
[F(k0) : F] < ∞, [F(k0, k1) : F] < ∞, ..., [F(k0, k1, ..., kn): F] < ∞
Adjoining now l to F(k0, k1, ..., kn), it results
[F(k0, k1, ..., kn)(l):F] =
[F(k0,k1, ..., kn)(l) : F(k0,k1, ..., kn)] [F(k0,k1, ..., kn):F]
The first term on the R.H.S. is < ∞, since l is algebraic over F(k0,k1, ..., kn) because it satisfies a polynomial with coefficient in F(k0,k1, ..., kn), the second term is < ∞ for what said before. As element of a finite extension of F, l is algebraic over F. □
Definition 8.2.21. A field F is said algebraic closed if it has no proper algebraic extensions, that is, no algebraic extensions E with F < E. □
A field is algebraically closed if every non-constant polynomial in F[x] has a root in F, that is a field F is algebrically closed if every polynomial splits in linear factors over F.
ℝ is not algebraically closed, because the polynomial equation x2 + 1 = 0 has no solution in real numbers, even though all its coefficients (1 and 0) are real. No finite field F is algebraically closed, indeed it sufficed to consider a polynomial of finite degree whose roots are all elements of the field. Adding a unit to it, we get a polynomial that has no root: (x − a1)(x − a2) ⋯ (x − an) + 1, has no zero in F. By contrast, the fundamental theorem of algebra states that the field of complex numbers is algebraically closed. Another example of an algebraically closed field is the field of (complex) algebraic numbers.
Theorem 8.2.22. The field A of all algebraic numbers over ℚ is algebraic closed.
Proof. It suffices to prove that the roots of every polynomial with algebraic numbers are algebraic. Let f(x) = xn + an−1xn−1 + ... + a0 a polynomial with coefficients in A. We consider the extension
K = ℚ(a0, a1, ..., an−1)
It is a finite extension of ℚ. Let s an arbitrary root of f(x). Then K(s) is a finite extension of K, because s is algebraic over K. But then K(s) is a finite extension of ℚ as well, and s is algebraic. □
|K(s) : ℚ| finite means |ℚ(s) : ℚ| is also finite (it's no bigger than that first number), and this is what s being algebraic over ℚ means. ℚ(s) is a vector subspace of K(s), which is finite-dimensional over ℚ. So ℚ(s) is also finite-dimensional. ℚ(s) is finite-dimensional over ℚ iff s is algebraic over ℚ.
The most familiar example of an algebraically closed field is ℂ, which is so by the fundamental theorem of algebra.