Equivalence relations in a ring; Quotient rings

Let (R, +, ⋅) a ring. Analogously to the definition of congruences on ℤ we give the following definition:

6.3.0 Definition A relation ρ defined in a ring R is said to be compatible with the operations of R if for each a1, a2, b1, b2R.

a1 ρ a2,   b1 ρ b2  ⇒   (a1 + b1) ρ (a2 + b2)
(a1b1) ρ (a2b2)

The equivalence relation defined on ℤ as we have seen is compatible with both operations of ℤ.

We observe now, that assigning in a ring R an equivalence relation combpatible with both operation is equivalent to assigning to it a two-sided ideal.

6.3.1 Definition Let ρ an equivalence relation definef on R compatible with its operations. Then the subset

I := {xR | x ρ 0}

is a two-sided ideal.

Proof. We have to prove that for each x,yI, and rR, we have xy ∈ I and xrI, rxI.

x,yI   ⇒   x ρ 0, y ρ 0 ⇒ x ρ y,   −y ρ −y.

since ρ is compatible with regards to addition, it follows that (xy) ρ 0, hence xrI. Thus, if xI and rR,

x ρ 0

r ρ r

imply owning to the compatibility of ρ with regards to multiplication, that xr ρ 0, hence xrI. Analogously, we prove that rxI.□

6.3.2 Proposition. Let I a two-sided ideal of a ring R. The relation ρ defined on R as

x ρ y   ⇐⇒   xyI

is an equivalence relation compatible with the operation of R called the congruence modulo I.

Proof. That ρ is an equivalence relation is easy to verify. Let's prove the compatibility with the operations. Let x1 ρ x2 and y1 ρ y2. Then

x1 ρ x2   ⇐⇒   x1x2I

y1 ρ y2   ⇐⇒   i1y2I

yields since an ideal is an additive subgroup to

(x1 + y1) − (x2 + y2) = (x1x2) + (y1y2) ∈ I.

thus x1 + y1 ρ x2 + y2 and ρ is compatible with addition. Moreover

x1y1 = x1y1x1y2 + x1y2 = x1 (y1y2) + (x1x2) y2I.

hence ρ is compatible with multiplication too.□

We define the following sets

𝓡 := {equivalence relations defined on R, compatible with the operation on R}

𝓘 := {two-ideals of R}

The map

Ψ: 𝓡 ⟶ 𝓘

             ρ ⟼ I = {xR | x ρ 0}

is a biunique map between 𝓡 and 𝓘 which inverse is.

Ψ*: 𝓘 ⟶ 𝓡

             Iρ   where x ρ y ⇐⇒ xyI

To sum up, we've the following proposition

6.3.3 Proposition. All and the only relations compatible defined on a ring R are the congruences modulo an ideal.

6.3.4 Proposition. The relations in ℤ compatible with addition and multiplicatoin are exactly congrunces modulo n. The ideals are all and only the subset In of the form n

x ρ y   ⇐⇒   xy ∈ In = n

hence xy = kn for some k ∈ ℤ.

If ρ is an equivalence relation defined on the ring R and compatible with the operations of R, in the quotient set

R/ρ = { | aR},   with = {xR | x ρ a}

we introduce the following operations

+ := a + b,   := a⋅b

compatibility of equivalence relations guarantee that these two operations are well-defined: indeed if they are well-defined it is implied that given a2 related to a1 and given b2 related to b1, then a1 + b1 is related to a2 + b2 and a1b1 is related to a2b2 which is exaclty the meaning of compatible equivalence relation.

Since an equivalence relation on R, corresponds to an ideal I of R, in such a way that ρ is defined by

x ρ y   ⇐⇒   xyI

the quotient R/ρ can be indicated as R/I, where

R/ρ := {a + I | aR}


[a] = a + I := {a + i | iI} = {xR | x ρ a}

Endowed with the operations defined above, R/I has the structure of ring called quotient ring modulo an ideal I or factor ring. The zero of this ring is the class I, the opposite of the class a + I is the class −a + I, etc. Note that

r + I = s + I   iff   rsI.

Example 6.3.5. For R = ℤ, I = 4ℤ, we have that

I = {..., −4, 0, 4, 8,...}

1 + I = {...,,−3, 1, 5, 9 ,...}

2 + I = {..., −2, 2, 6, 10,...}

3 + I = {...,,−1, 3, 7, 11, ...}

There are 4 different cosets, the equivalence classes for

[r] ∼ [s]   ⇐⇒   rs mod 4.

So 2 + I = 6 + I, 3 + I = −1 + I, etc.

Moreover owning to the definition of the operations in R/I, the application π from R to R/I which maps every element a of R to the class a + I to which it belongs and called quotient homomorphism or canonical projection. This is a surjective ring homomorphism hence an epimorphism.

To sum up what presented in this paragraph we state the following proposition

6.3.6 Proposition. Let I an ideal of a ring R.

  1. The relation

    x ρ y   ⇐⇒   xyI

    is an equivalence relation compatible with the operation in R.

  2. Indicating the equivalence classes as

    = a + I = {a + i | iI}

    and defining the operations

    + := a + b,   := ab

    or equivantely as

    (a + I) + (b + I) = (a + b) + I,   (a + I) (b + I) = ab + I

    The quotient set R/I = { | aR} becomes a ring, known as the quotient ring of R modulo an ideal I.

  3. The canonical projection

    π: aRR/I

    is easily seen to be an epimorphism of rings, with kernel I.

Lemma 6.3.7 Lemma R a ring with unit with quotient ring R/I. Let a be a unit of R. Then a + I is a unit of R/I.

Proof. (a + I)(b + I) = ab + I if a is the unit we get b + I.□

Example 6.3.8 (ℤ/nℤ). The most familiar quotient ring is ℤ/nℤ, for which we will continue to use the notation ℤn (they are the same) whose elements can be written as cosets of the form a + nℤ.

a + nℤ = [a] = {..., a −2n, an, a, a + n, a + 2n, ...}

and we recognize [a] as a residue class of ℤn.

Addition and multiplication of cosets is then just addition and multiplication modulo n, as we can see, that this is just a formalization of the ring ℤn, that we have already looked at. Recall that ℤn is an integral domain if and only if n is prime and ℤn is a field for precisely the same n. If n = 0 then ℤ/nℤ is the same as ℤ.

Operations with ideals

If A and I are two ideals of the ring R, then their sum A + I is the set

A + I = {a + i | aA, iI}

It is easy to see that A + I is an ideal of R, the minimal ideal of A which contains both I and A. Equivalentely, A + I is the ideal generated by AI.

The product AI is the ideal generated by all products ai, the set of all possible sums

a1i1 + a2i2 + ... + anin

that is

IJ := {∑ni=0 aibi | n ∈ ℕ, aiI, biJ}

The product AI is contained in the ideal intersection AI.

6.3.9 Proposition. Let R a ring, I one of its ideal and A a subring of R such that A ⊇ I. Then A = (A + I).

Proof. We prove by showing double inclusion. For aA, and iI, a + i in A, so we have A + IA; this is because A is an additive subgroup of R so if you sum two elements of it, it remains in A (closusre under +). Conversely, we have for aA that a = a + 0, and 0 is an element of I, so aA + I, which gives us AA + I. □

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