Exercises on the fundamental morphism theorems

Exercise 1. Let r and s positive integers such that (r,s)=1.

  1. Consider the ring ℤr x ℤs (with respect to ordinary multiplication and addition, component by component), prove that the application f: ℤ ⟶ ℤr x ℤs given by a ⟶ (ār, ās) is an epimorphism of rings.

  2. Prove (using the fundamental theorem of isomorphism for rings) that rs and r x ℤs are isomorphic.

Exercise 2. Let I1 and I2 two ideals of a ring R such that I1 + I2 = R. Prove that

R/(I1 ∩ I2) ≃ R/I1 ⊕ R/I2

Exercise 3. Using the first isomorphism theorem determine the isomorphism in case that R = ℤ, I = 4ℤ, A = 6ℤ.

Exercise 4. Using the second isomorphism theorem determine the isomorphism for the case R = ℤ, I = 10ℤ, J = 6ℤ.

Exercise 5. Determine all the ideals of ℤ24 by using the correspondence theorem.


    1. (a+b) maps to ([a+b]r, [a+b]s), which is ([a]r + [b]r) + ([a]s + [b]s).

      (ab) maps to ([ab]r, [ab]s), which is ([a]r [b]r) ([a]s [b]s). So it's a homomorphism.

      To prove surjectivity we must show that for (x,y) in ℤr x ℤs there's an a ∈ ℤ. Think about what the surjectivity requirement for the function means algebraically: it means for any x,y, the equations [a]r = x, and [a]s = y are simultaneously solvable.

      a ≡ x mod r  ⇐⇒  [a]r = x,   a ≡ y mod s ⇐⇒  [a]r = y.

    2. We proved that f: ℤ ⟶ ℤr x ℤs is a ring homomorphism, by the fundamental theorem o of ring homomorphism we know there exists a unique isomorphism f*: ℤrs ⟶ ℤr x ℤs if ker f = rsℤ. We have that ℤ/ℤrs = rsℤ. We have that the kernel of φ: ℤ → ℤ/nℤ sending a to [a] is {kn| k ∈ ℤ} Thus ℤrs ≃ ℤr x ℤs

      Alternative proof. The map f: Zrs ⟶ ℤr x ℤs, defined by f([x]rs) = ([x]r, [x]s), is a ring isomorphism. By the Chinese remainder theorem the system of congruences

      x a ( mod r ) x b ( mod s ) ,

      admits exactly one solution modulo rs. This implies the surjectivity and the injectivity of the map.

  1. It's sufficient to find an epimorphism from R to R/I1 ⊕ R/I2 with kernel I1 ∩ I2. We define φ: R ⟶ R/I1 ⊕ R/I2 by letting φ(x) = (x +I1, x + I2).

    R/I1 ⊕ R/I2 is the cartesian product of those rings so made of the ordered pairs (x+I1, x+I2). x ∈ ker(φ) would satisfy, by definition, that x+I1 = I1 and x+I2 = I2, hence that x is an element of both I1 and I2, hence an element of the intersection of these ideals: ker φ = I2I1.

    To prove surjectivity we must show that given a (r + I1, s + I2) ∈ R/I1 ⊕ R/I2 there exists a x ∈ R, such that φ(x) = (r +I1, s + I2). Since R = I1 + I2, r = a1 + a2, s = b1 + b2 for given ai,bi ∈ Ii (i = 1,2). The element x = a2 + b1 is such that

    x ≡ a2 ≡ r (mod I1),   x ≡ b1 ≡ r (mod I2)

    hence φ(x) = (r +I1, s + I2).

  2. We want to show that

    A/(A ∩ I) ≃ (A + I)/I

    4ℤ ∩ 6ℤ = 12ℤ, since an integer is divisible by both 4 and 6 if and only if it is divisible by 12. An we have 4ℤ + 6ℤ = {4x + 6y: x,y ∈ℤ } = 2ℤ, hence

    6ℤ/12ℤ ≃ 2ℤ/4ℤ

    If π: R ⟶ R/I, let π|A the restriction of π to A that is

    π|A: A ⟶ (A+I)/I

    It is a ring homomorpshim whose kernel is A ∩ I. By using the fundamental homomrphsim we have the following isomorphism

    f: A/(A ∩ I) ⟶ (A+I)/I

  3. ℤ/I = ℤ/10ℤ, ℤ/J = ℤ/2ℤ, J/I = 2ℤ/10ℤ ≃ [2]1010.

    Using the second isomorphism theorem, we have the isomorphism f: ℤ/J ⟶ (ℤ/I)/(J/I) is defined as follows f(r+J) := (r + I) + J/I

    f(0) ⟼ 0 + 10ℤ + 2ℤ/10ℤ = [0]10 + [2]1010 = {[2]10, [4]10, [6]10, [8]10}

    f(1) ⟼ 1 + 10ℤ + 2ℤ/10ℤ = [1]10 + [2]1010 = {[3]10, [5]10, [7]10, [9]10}

    f(2) ⟼ 2 + 10ℤ + 2ℤ/10ℤ = [2]10 + [2]1010 = {[4]10, [6]10, [8]10, [10]10}

  4. The ideals of ℤ containing 24ℤ are: ℤ, 2ℤ, 3ℤ,4ℤ,6ℤ,8ℤ,12ℤ, 24ℤ, thus the ideals of ℤ24 are ℤ/ℤ24 = ℤ24, 2ℤ/24ℤ, etc.

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