Exercises on ideals generated by a subset
Exercise 1. Prove that if R is a (commutative ring) with unit, then
(a1, a2, ..., an) = {∑mi=1riai| ri ∈ R}
Exercise 2. Prove that the ideal of ℚ[x,y] made up by polynomials with null constant term is not a principal ideal.
Exercise 3. Prove the following relations given a and b ∈ ℤ
(a) ∩ (b) = (m), m = lcm(a,b)
(a,b) = (d), d = gcd(a,b)
Generalize the results for multiple elements.
Exercise 4. Prove that
(a) + (b) = (d), d = gcd(a,b)
(a) ⋅ (b) = (d).
Exercise 5. Prove the result of exercise2 is a generalization of the Chinese remainder theorem.
Exercise 6. Determine the polynomial generator of the ideal I = (x4 + x −1, x3 − 2) in ℝ[x] nad give the polynomials of I.
Exercise 7. Let a1, a2, ..., an elements of a ring R. Give the elements of (a1, a2, ..., an) in case of R non-commutative and without unit.
Exercise 8. Determine the maximal and prime ideals of ℤ24 and ℤ30.
Exercise 9. Consider the ring (with respect to the operations of addition and multiplication of real functions)
R = {f| ℝ ⟶ ℝ, continuos on [0,4]}
Let M = {f ∈ R | f(2) = 0}. Prove that M is a maximal ideal of R.
Exercise 10. Let R be any commutative ring with 1, and let I a proper ideal of R. Prove that I is maximal iff I + aR = R ∀a ∈ R \ I.
Exercise 11. Let R be any commutative ring and let I1 and I2 two of its ideals such that
I1 ⊈ I2, I2 ⊈ I1
prove that I1 ∩ I2 is not a prime ideal of R.
Exercise 12. Prove that ℝ[x] / (x2 − 1) ≃ ℝ ⊕ ℝ
If 1 ∈ R, among the elements riai there are the ai. Indeed the ideal generated by the subset, S = {a1, a2, ..., an} is defined as
(a1, a2, ..., an) = {set of linear combinations of airi terms} = {∑ti=1riai | ri ∈ R}
The obtain ai, it suffices to take the linear combination wtih ri = 1 and aj ≠i = 0. ■
(x,y) consists of those polynomials whose constant term is zero and is an ideal of ℚ[x,y]. (x,y) = {fx + gy |f,g ∈ ℚ[x,y]}.
If (x,y) were a principal ideal (p), it would contain along with other elements the polynomials x and y
x = fp, y = gp
for suitable choice of g and f in ℚ[x,y]. Since the polynomials of degree 0 have inverses, and any element with an inverse generates the entire ring, p cannot be of degree 0. Since (x,y) ≠ (0), p cannot be the zero polynomial and therefore must have positive degree. Moreover, we have that for the ring ℚ[x,y] the degree of a product of nonzero polynomials is the sum of the degree of the factors. Hence the relation above for x and y would show that g and f are of degree 0 while p is of the first degree. It is easily verified that this cannot happen for any such p, and hence that (x,y) cannot be a principal ideal.
Let (m) = (a ) ∩ (b). m ∈ (m) implies m ∈ (a) ∩ (b), which implies m ∈ (a) and m ∈ (b). Hence m = ah and m = bk for some h,k ∈ ℤ i.e. a|m and b|m. Thus m is a common multiple of a and b. Now we must show that it is the smallest common multiple. Suppose the lcm is another say m′; hence a divisor of a and b. Now we can write m′= ah′ and m′= bk′, which means m′ ∈ (a) ∩ (b). Thus m′ ∈ (m). But this would lead to a contradiction since ∃ z ∈ ℤ. m ⋅ z = m', that is m ∣ m' which is a contradiction.
Let (a,b) = (d). Then a,b ∈ (d) ⇒ d∣a,b, so d is a common divisor of a,b. Conversley d ∈ (a,b) so d = ra + sb, r,s ∈ ℤ, we must show now that d is the gcd. Let now c be an arbitrary common divisor, so c∣a,b ⇒ c∣ d = ra + sb. Hence d is a common divisor of a,b that is divisible by every common divisor. Therefore, by definition, d is a greatest common divisor of a,b.
To generalize the result we use the associative law for the intersection of sets (A ∩ B) ∩ C = A ∩ (B ∩ C). We analyze first the case for 3 elements. We want to show that
[(a) ∩ (b)] ∩ (c) = (a) ∩ [(b) ∩ (c)] = (x), x = lcm(a,b,c)
holds true. We already proved that (a) ∩ (b) = (m) = lcm(a,b) and (b) ∩ (c) = (m') = lcm(b,c) hence (m) ∩ (c) = (a) ∩ (m') = (x) this means x = lcm(m,c) = lcm(m',a) = lcm(lcm(a,b),c) = lcm (lcm(b,c),a) = lcm(a,b,c).
To generalize to n elements
(a) ∩ (b) ∩ ... ∩ (n) = (a) ∩ (b) ∩ (n) = (x), x = lcm(a,b,..,n)
We apply recursevely the previuos step.
to generalize the second result let
(a,b,..,n) = (d) gcd(a,b,..,n).
Then a,b,..,n ∈ (d) ⇒ d∣a,b,...,n so d is a common divisor of a,b,..,n. Conversely d ∈ (a,b,..,n) so d = ra + sb + ... + tn, r,s,t ∈ ℤ, we must show now that d is the gcd. Let now c be an arbitrary common divisor, so c∣a,b,,.n ⇒ c∣ d = ra + sb + ... + tn. Hence d is a common divisor of a,b,..,n that is divisible by every common divisor. Therefore, by definition, d is a greatest common divisor of a,b,..,n.
Owing to the definitions given earlier on regarding the Operations with ideals we have
(a) + (b) = {a+b | a ∈ (a), b ∈ (b)}
Since (d) = {dz | z ∈ ℤ} and by Bézout's Identity, d = az' + bz'' we have (d) = {(az' + bz'')z | z,z'' ∈ ℤ} = {(az' + bz'')z | z,z',z'' ∈ ℤ} = {(a ⋅ z* + b ⋅ z*') | z*, z*' ∈ ℤ}, it is readily verified that the equality holds.
From the definitions we have
(a) ⋅ (b) := {∑ni=0 a ⋅ b ⋅ zi | i ∈ ℕ, ai ∈ (a), b ∈ (b)}
(ab) = {∑ni=0 ab ⋅ zi | i ∈ ℕ, ai ∈ (a)
from which it is readily seen that they are equal sets.
The CRT can be stated as ℤ/(mn) being isomorphic to ℤ/(m) x ℤ/(n) if m,n are coprime.
Let R = ℤ. The condition ℤ = I1 + I2 is satisfied by I1 = mℤ and I2 = nℤ with gcd(m,n) = 1. Bezout's identity gives 1 in m ℤ + nℤ, And we get all of ℤ from there since (m) + (n) = (gcd(m,n)). We observe that I1 ∩ I2 = m ℤ + nℤ = (mn)ℤ.
we already calculated this gcd when treating polynomials: −53/27, which is the polynomial (-53/27)⋅x0, and we make it monic by dividing by -53/27, 1x0 = 1. Thus I = (1) = ℝ[x].
The ideals of ℤn are, first of all, additive subgroups of ℤn. These we know to all have the form (d) where d divides n. But, as we know, the set (d) is the ideal generated by d. So we have just proven that
The ideals in ℤn are precisely the sets of the form (d) where d divides n.
Since we are interested in maximal ideals, and this concept is defined in terms of containment of ideals in one another, we now need to determine when we can have (d1) ⊂ (d2). This is the case if and only if d1 ∈ (d2), which is true if and only if there is an element a ∈ ℤ so that ad2 = d1, i.e. if and only if d2 divides d1. We are now ready to prove the main result: an ideal I in ℤn> is maximal if and only if I = (p) where p is a prime dividing n. If I has this form and J is another ideal in ℤn with I ⊂ J then J = (d) for some d dividing n. By our comments above this means that d divides p, i.e. d = 1 or d = p, which means that J = ℤn or J = I, proving that I is maximal. For the converse, suppose I = (d), (d dividing n) is maximal but d is not prime. Then d = kl with d > k, l > 1. But then I ⊊ (k) ⊊ ℤn. The first inequality follows from the fact that k < d implies k ∉ I. The second follows from the fact that k is a divisor of n but is not 1, therefore is not a unit in ℤn and so 1 ∉ (k) . But this string of inequalities implies that I is not maximal, a contradiction. Therefore d must be prime, and we are finished.
The positive divisors of 8 are, 1,2,4, and 8, so the ideals in ℤ8 are:
(1) = ℤ8
(2) = {0,2,4,6}
(4) = {0,4}
(8) = {0}.
When you're working in ℤ8 and you write (2) it is short for ([2]8), for example for (2), we have:
(2) = ([2]8) = {[2]8 ⋅ z | z ∈ ℤ8} = {[2]8 ⋅ [0]8, [2]8 ⋅ [1]8, ..., [2]8 ⋅ [7]8} = {[0]8, [2]8, [4]8, [6]8}
Of these by inspection (2) is maximal (and therefore prime), whereas (1) and (9) are improper, so neither prime nor maximal. We see that (4) ⊂ (2), so (4) is not maximal. Also 2⋅2 ∈ (4) but 2 ∉ (4), so (4) is not prime.
The positive divisors of 9 are 1,3,9, so the ideals in ℤ9, are (1) = ℤ9, (3) = {0,3,6}, (9) = {0}. Of these by inspection (3) is maximal (therefore prime).
The positive divisors of 10 are, 1,2, 5 and 10 so the ideals in ℤ10 are:
(1) = ℤ10, (2) = {0,2,4,6,8}, (5) = {0,5}, (10) = {0}.
The maximal ideals of ℤ24 are (2) and (3). The other ideals are (1) = ℤ24, (4), (6), (8), (25) = {0}.
The maximal ideals of ℤ30 are (2), (3), (5). The other ideals are (1) = ℤ30, (6), (10), (15), (30) = {0}.
M is an ideal. Suppose there exists an ideal I containing M and different from M. Then there exists a function g(x) ∈ I, g(x) ∉ M, implying g(2) = a ≠ 0. Then the function difference d(x) = g(x) − a ∈ M ⊂ I;
Consider that I is closed (as it is an ideal) under addition. Since f ∈ I and f − a ∈ I, we find that the constant nonzero function a = f − (f − a) ∈ I. Since a ≠ 0, we also have the continuous (constant) function 1/a ∈ R, which means that I contains a(1/a) = 1, since ideals are closed under multiplication with any element of the parent ring. But this means that 1 ∈ I, so that I = R, hence M is maximal as desired.
I + aR is an ideal of R and contains properly I, thus if I is maximal, we have necessarily I + aR = R. Conversely, suppose I+ aR = R, ∀a ∈ R \ I. Let U any ideal such that I ⊆ U ⊆ R and U ≠ I. Then there exists a a ∈ U \ I ⇒ U ⊇ I + aR = R ⇒ U = R.
Let a ∈ I1, a ∉ I2, b ∈ i2, b ∉ I1, ab ∈ i1 ∩ I2 but a ∉ I1 ∩ I2, b ∉ I1 ∩ I2. Thus I1 ∩ I2 is not a prime ideal.