Constructions with Straightedge and Compass
Let π«, a set of points (finite or infinite) in the plane β x β. Consider the following fundamental operations
Draw the line between two arbitrary points of π« (ruler);
draw the line through arbitrary two points of π«;
draw a circle having as center a point of π« and as radius a segment identified by two points of π«.(Compass)
Definition 9.1.1 A point is said to be constructible in one step starting from π« if it is given by the intersection of any two straight lines, of a circle with a straight line, of two circles, drawn with the operations listed above. β‘
A point is constructible in a finite succession of steps starting from π«, if it can be obtained iterating this construction finitely many times adding to π« the points constructed in the previous steps.
Definition 9.1.2. A point P in the plane is said to be constructible in n steps from π« if there exists a finite sequence P1, P2, ... , Pn of points in the plane such that Pn = P and for i = 1, ... , n, Pi is constructible in one step from
π« βͺ {P1, P2, ..., Pi β 1} β‘
A straight edge and compass constructions a finite succession of basic operations.
Examples of Classical Constructions
Example 9.1.3 (Construction of the midpoint of a segment). Let (AB) be a line passing through two points A and B. Draw the circles, πΆ1, πΆ2, respectively of center A and B radius the length of the segment AB. Let P1, and P2 the intersection points of πΆ1 and πΆ2. The mid point, M, is given by of the line (AB) with the line passing through P1, and P2. β

Example 9.1.4 (Construction of the line perpendicular to a given line, passing through a given point P which may or may not lie on the line r). Suppose first P ∉ r. The line r is given by two points P1, and P2. Draw the circle, πΆ of center P and radius the length between P and one of the two points, say P1. If the circle πΆ is tangent to the line r, the line passing through P and P1 is the perpendicular we look for. If not let P'1 another intersection point of πΆ with the line r, the perpendicular is the line passing through P and the midpoint of the segment P1P1'.
If P ∈ r, we draw a circle of a given radius around P, intersecting r at A and B. Then similarly to example 9.1.3 we draw two circles πΆ1, πΆ2, respectively of center A and B radius the length of the segment AB (see figure below). Let C the intersection between the two circles, then the line passing through C and P is the perpendicular we look for. β

Example 9.1.5 (Given a point P external to a line L, construct the parallel line to L, passing through P). It suffices to repeat twice the construction of the perpendicular: given a line L and a point P, produces another line L' which is perpendicular to L and passes through P. Now, using this procedure again, you can construct a line L'' which is perpendicular to L' and passes through P. Since L, L' and L'' are lines on the same plane, and L and L'' are both perpendicular to L', then L and L'' must be parallel. β
Constructible lenghts and numbers
We want to answer the following question given a line segment in the plane, which we say is of lenght 1, for what values Ξ± can we construct a line segment of length Ξ±? To be able to deal with lenghts, we must define a unit of measure; We start by two random points, and we define the unit length as the distance between them; The unit of measurement has length = 1 by definition . We begin by observing that all the natural numbers can be constructed. In general we give the following definition:
Definition 9.1.6. A real number Ξ± is said to be constructible, if with straightedge, the unit of measurement and compass it is possible to construct a segment of length |Ξ±|. β‘
Thus the integers are constructible because the natural numbers are. But real numbers like π are not.
Notice that with straightedge and compass is possible to construct in β x β a system of Cartesian axes. It follows that a point P is constructible if and only if, its coordinates with respect to a Cartesian axes are.
We shall now prove that both β€ and β are contained in the set of numbers that can be constructed starting from only two points (the extremes of the unit of measurement); called β the set of such constructible points, it is shown that β is a field.
Proposition 9.1.7.
β ⊃ β€;
β ⊃ β;
β is a field.
Proof. a) Let the unit of lenght be provided by the line segment joining two points A and B. Let us rename these points as 0 and 1. The numbers 0 and 1 result constructible by definition. We can construct the number 2 by placing the point of out compass at 1 and draw the circle with radius from 1 to 0. Then clearly 3 can be constructed by placing the compass with radius 1 so as to make a circle centeres at 2, and similarly all the natural numbers can be constructed.
b) It suffices to show that every number of the form 1/n is constructible. To this end we employ Thales' theorem.

Every rational number is also sum of fraction of the form 1/n, which are constructible.
c) To prove β is a field, it sufficies to show that given α and β ∈ β, then α ± β, α β β and α / β with β ≠ 0. are constructible. Regarding α ± β the construction is obviuos. The figure below show how to construct αβ and α/β based on Thales theorem.

We thus proved that the set of constructible numbers is a subfield of β, which contains the rational numbers. β‘
We shall now give an algebraic characterization of the elements of β. Let F an arbritary field of β.
Definition 9.1.8. We define plane of F the subset F x F of β x β. We define line of F a line connecting two points in the plane of F. We define circle of F, a circle with center in the plane of F and ray equal to the lenght of a number of F. β‘
We can easily verify that lines and circle of F have the following form:
ax + by + c = 0, a,b,c ∈ F
x2 + y2 + ax + by + c = 0, a,b,c ∈ F
Starting from the points of π« in the plane of F, which new points of the real plane can be obtained by Euclidean construction? We can obtain points by
Intersection of two lines of F: in this however we do not obtain new points, since two lines intersecting in the plane of F, intersect in a point with coordinate in F.
Intersection of a line and a circle of F;
Intersection of two circles of F: as in the second case.
In the second case, the point of intersection has coordinates whch are solutions of a quadratic equation, hence belonging to either F or a quadratic extension of F, F(βa), a ∈ F. The only points of the real plane which are constructible starting from the the plane F are those points whose coordinates are in fields of the form F(α), α ∈ β, α2 ∈ F. Every point with coordinates in F is constructible, consider indeed the following method offers a way to construct the square root, of a constructible number a: draw the circle of radius 1 + a. Draw the perpendicular to the point 1 and let P the point of intersectrion of this perpendicular with the center, the lenght x of a segment {1, P} is the square root we were looking for: for the Euclid's theorem, x2 = a.

Thus all and the only points of the real plane constructible in a step starting from the plane of F are the points of coordinates in field of the form F(α), with α ∈ β, α2 ∈ F. The points of the real plane constructible in a step starting from the plane of F1 are all form F1(α), with β ∈ β, β2 ∈ F1. Iterating the method this way, we see that a point c of the real plane is constructible starting from the plane of a field F if and only if and only if there exists a finite sequence of subfields:
F0 = F ⊆ F1 ⊆ F2 ⊆ .... ⊆ Fn
such that ∀i = 1,...,n
Fi = Fi β 1 (αi), αi ∈ β, αi ∈ Fi β 1
with c having coordinates in Fn. Since we know that all constructible numbers contain the field β, we thus proved the following algebraic characterization of real points (or number) which are constructible:
Definition 9.1.9. A real number c is constructible if and only if there exists a finite number of real numbers such that α1, α2, ..., αn, such that
α12 ∈ β, αi2 ∈ β(α1, α2, ..., αiβ1) i = 2, ..., n
such that
c = β(α1, α2, ..., αn)
We can calculate the degree of the extension β(α1, α2, ..., αn) in which c is contained as
[β(α1, α2, ..., αn) : β] = [β(α1, α2, ..., αn) : β(α1, α2, ..., αn β 1)]
[β(α1, α2, ..., αn β 1)] : β(α1, α2, ..., αn β 2)] β
[β(α1, α2) : β(α1)] β
[β(α1) : β]
Every factor in the right side has either degree 1 or 2, thus
[β(α1, α2, ..., αn) : β] = 2h
for a given h ∈ β. We sum up this result in the following proposition
Proposition 9.1.10. If a real number satisfies an irreducible polynomial of degree n which is not a power of two, then it is not constructible.
Proof. If α satisfies an irreducible polynomial with degree n, we know that this is the minimal polynomial; thus the extension [β(α) : β] = n ≠ 2h, and α cannot belong to an extension with degree a power of 2, as it would be in the case of α constructible. β‘
The ancient Greeks were interested in the geometry that is constructible using only. We shall prove now that certain constructions are impossible.
9.1.11 Doubling the cube. Can one construct a cube having double the volume of a given cube? Given a cube of unitary volume V to construct a cube of volume 2, we must construct a segment of length β2. If we let α = β2, the number α saisfies the irreducible polynomial over β: x3 β 2. Since the degree of this polynomial is not a a power of 2, by proprosition 9.1.10 it cannot be constructed. β‘
9.1.12 Squaring the circle. Another classical construction problem is that of squaring the circle, the problem of constructing a square whose area is the same as the ara of a given circle with a given radius. Since the unit circle has area π, this amounts to constructing the number βπ, which would be the side length of a square of that same area. But Ferdinand von Lindemann proved in 1882 that π is transcendental, and so also βπ is not algebraic, and therefore not constructible by straightedge and compass. So it is impossible to square the circle with those means onnly. The transcendence of π implies also that the converse problem of circling the square, to construct a circle whose area is the same as that of a given square, is impossible by straightedge and compass, since a unit square has area 1 and the circle of this area would have radius 1/βπ, which is not algebraic because π is transcendental. β‘
9.1.13 Rectification of the circle. The term rectification is often used to refer to the determination of the length of a curve. Given a circle with unitary radius the problem is that of drawing a segment having length 2π. Since 2π is trascendental this construction is not possible. β‘
9.1.14 Trisecting Angles. Consider the trisection of angles by ruler and compass. We can easily trisect a 90Β° angle. Simply construct an equilateral triangle and then bisect one of its 60Β° angles. However there is no general ruler and compass method for trisecting all angles. It suffices to consider the angle 3θ = π/3, and try trisect it to have θ = π/9. It is the same thing as constructing cos θ. From the well-known trigonometric relation.
cos 3θ = 4 cos3 θ β 3cos θ (9.1.1)
which for 3θ = π/3,
1/2 = 4 cos3 π/9 β 3cos π/9
Thus cos(π/9) satisfies the polynomial (irreducible over β, see exercise 1)
8x3 β6x β 1 = 0
with degree not a power of two. Thus cos π/9 is not constructible and π/3 cannot be trisected.
By the same method we can show now that π/2 can be trisected. From eq. 9.1.1 it results
0 = 4 cos3 π/6 β 3cos π/6
which yields that cos π/6 satisfies the polynomial 4x3 β3x, which is not irreducible; the minimal polynomial of cos π/6 is the second degree polynomial 4x2 β 3. The number cos π/6 is thus contained in a quadratic extension of β and hence constructible: indeed it results that cos π/6 = β3/2, which we know to be constructible. β‘
Nota Bene. If an element satisfies an irreducible polynomial having as degree a power of two, we cannot conclude that the element is constructible. In the example above related to the construction of cos π/6, we concluded its constructibility since the degree was exactly 2. β
Prove that with ruler and compass is possible to construct a system of cartesian axes.
Prove that α and β are two transcendental numbers then either α + β or αβ is transcendental
By Theorem 8.2.22 we known that the roots of a polynomial with algebraic coefficients, are algebraic. If both α and β were algebraic then α and β would be roots of the polynomial
x2 β (α + β)x + αβ
having algebraic coefficients, thus α and β would be algebraic. β