
Definition 1.4.1 A finite set S of elements in a linear space V is called a finite basis for V if S is independent and spans V. The space V is called finite-dimensional if it has a finite basis, or if V consists of 0 alone. Otherwise, V is called injinite-dimensional.

Theorem 1.4.3 (Uniqueness of Basis Representation) Every vV can be written uniquely as linear combination i.e.: ∀v ∈ V there exist n scalars, λ1,...,λn ∈ 𝕂 such that

v = ∑ni=0 λi vi

Proof. Suppose there is another linear combination for the same vector v as

v = ∑ni=0 μi vi

by subtracting the two we have, 0 = ∑ni=0i − μi)vi, which implies, owing to the independence of the vectors λi = μii.   □

The coefficients λ1, λ2, ..., λn are called scalar components of v with respect to the basis {v1, v2, ..., vn}. For a specified basis we can write the vector v as

v = ( λ 1 , λ 2 , λ n ) , or v = ( λ 1 λ 2 λ n )

we call the notation on the left row vector and that on the right column vector. We shall use mostly columns vectors, basically to multiply them to the left by matrices. Obviously changing the basis components change.

1.4.4 Examples.

1.4.5. Definition. A maximal linearly independent set in V is a linearly independent set 𝓑 in V such that if a vector v in V but not in 𝓑 is added to 𝓑, then the new set is linearly dependent.

1.4.6. Proposition. Let 𝓑 = {v1, v2, ..., vn} a basis of a vector space V, then 𝓑 is a maximal set of linear independent vectors of V.

Proof. By definition the vectors {v1, v2, ..., vn} are linear independent; we must show that for every vV, the vectors v1, v2, ..., vn are linear dependent. Since 𝓑 spans V, there exist λ1,...,λn ∈ 𝕂, such that

v = λ1v1 + ... + λnvn

thus we have

vλ1v1 − ... − λnvn = O

which is a linear dependence relation between the vectors v1, v2, ...,vn (the coefficient of v is 1, which is not null).   □

Thus, it is clear that a basis of a vector space is a maximal linearly independent set of vectors in that space. Because both the concepts of span and independence depend on the scalar field F, a basis too depends on F, as illustraed by the following example.

1.4.7. Example. Over the field of complex numbers, the vector space of complex numbers has dimension 1. A basis is {1}. Over the field of real numbers, the vector space of complex number has dimension 2. A basis is {1, i}.

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