Trigonometric function

The trigonometric functions are

α ⟼ sin αα ⟼ cos αα ⟼ tg α,   α ⟼ cotg α

Where the variable α is the radian measure of an angle. The geometrical meaning of the four trigonometric functions can be illustrated with the unit circle: a circle that has its center at the origin of coordinates and its radius is. We can see that the sine, cosine and tangent and cotagent of the angle can be found using the following relations:

unit circle

Since the radius of the unit circle has length r = +1, the sine and cosine are given by the ordinate and abscissa, respectively (with the appropriate sign). tg α = lenght with sign of the segment BK, cotg α = lengt with sign of the segment PL. The following fundamental relations hold true

(sin α)2 + (cos α)2 = 1,   tg α = sin α / cos α   cotg α = cos α/ sin α = 1/tg α

The first relations follows from the Pythagorean theorem. Fot the second notice that in the Figure above the value of the tangent function is displayed by the vertical segment line BK passing through the point B(1,0). Indeed, the triangles OAM and OBK are similar. Therefore,


Here AM = OS = y = sin α, OA = x = cos α, OB = 1. Hence

B K = A M O A × O B = sin α cos α × 1 = tan α .

In the Figure above, the cotangent of α is numerically equal to the length of the horizontal segment line PL. Since the triangles OSM and OPL are similar, we have



P L = S M O S × O P = cos α sin α × 1 = cot α .

1.4 Definition: A function f is said to be periodic if, for some nonzero constant T, it is the case that

f(x + T) = f(x),   ∀x in the codomain.

The principal properties of the trigonemetric functions are listed in the following table.

x ⟼ sin x x ⟼ cos x x ⟼ tg x x ⟼ cotg x
Domain ℝ \ {π/2 + } ℝ \ {kπ}
Range [−1,1] [−1,1]
Continuity interval continuity in the domain continuity in the domain
Period 2π 2π π π
Parity sin (−x) = −sin x
Odd function
cos (−x) = cos x
Even function
tg (−x) = −tg x
Odd function
cotg (−x) = −cotg x
Odd function

In particular if x0 ∈ ℝ we have that

lim x x 0 sin x = sin x 0 lim x x 0 cos x = cos x 0 lim x x 0 tan x = tan x 0 if  x 0 π 2 + k π , k Z lim x x 0 cot x = cot x 0 if  x 0 k π , k Z

Remark. Note that for all four functions the limits limx ⟶ ∞ f(x) do not exist. This is true in general for all periodic functions.

seno e coseno

Since sin x = cos (x − π/2), we obtain that sin x is phase-shifted by π/2, and the graph of sin x is obtained shifting the graph of sin x to the right by π2.

Notice that for both the sine and cosine functions the domain is -∞, ∞ and the range is the closed interval [−1, 1]. Thus, for all values of x, we have:

−1 ≤ sin x ≤ 1;

−1 ≤ cos x ≤ 1;

o in termini di valore assoluto:

|sin x| ≤ 1;

|cos x| ≤ 1;

Also, the zeros of the sine function occur at the integer multiples of π that is,

sin x = 0 when x = with n integer

cosine and sine values
Coppie (cos θ, sin θ)

Reciprocal trigonometric functions

The reciprocal of sine is cosecant: csc θ = 1/sin θ

The reciprocal of cosine is secant: sec θ = 1/cos θ

The reciprocal of tangent is cotangent: cot θ = 1/tan θ

The graph of the cotangent function is similar to the graph of the tangent function. It also has a period of π. However, from the identity

y = cot x = cos x / sin x

you can see that the cotangent function has vertical asymptotes when sin x is zero.


to sketch the graph of a secant or cosecant function, I'll lightly draw the sine wave, and draw vertical asymptotes through its zeroes and note the min/max points


and the cosecant function

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