Geometric interpretation of the second derivative

Intuitively, curvature is the amount by which a curve deviates from being a straight line, or a plane, from being flat. It is the measure of how sharply the curve bends. For example a small circle bends more sharply than a bigger circle. If the first derivative gives the slope of the graph of a function at a point, the rate of change of the slope at a given point is expressed by the second derivative, hence, the second derivative furnishes details about the curvature of the function.

We shall therefore define the curvature of a circle to be the reciprocal of its radius,

R = 1/r

In the limit r ⟶ ∞, we have R ⟶ 0, which is the curvature of a straight line.

To define the curvature of an arbitrary curve, γ the idea is to approximate γ by circles with radii varying from point to point. For any point P on γ, there are infinitely many circles which are tangent to γ at P. We shall select on of these − called the osculating circle − which gives the best fir, and define the curvature of γ at the point P to be the reciprocal of the radius of the osculating circle− which gives the best fit, and define the curvature of γ at the point P to be the reciprocal of the radius of the osculating circle.

osculating circle

To identify the osculating circle, note that neat the point P the curve divides the plane in two parts. Some of the circles tangent to γ at P lie entirely on one side, and some line entirely on the other. The osculating circle separates these two kinds of circles. In the figure is drawn with a solid line.

Suppose the curve is given as graph of a function f. We shall find the osculating circle, by imposing that at the point P = 0, the function f(x) as the same first and second derivative as the osculating circle. The function f satisfies the following conditions

f(0) = f'(0) = 0, f''(0) ≥ 0.

The famyly of circles with center the y axis tangent to the graph of f at 0 is

y = R R 2 x 2

as it can be easily verified ∀R, we have y'(0) = y(0) = 0. Among these cirlce we pick the one having the not only the first equalt to that of f but the second derivative as well, i.e.

y''(0) = f''(0)  5.10.1

We have that

y ( x ) = x R 2 x 2 , y ( x ) = R 2 ( R 2 x 2 ) 3 / 2

Thus y''(0) = 1/R. Thus if 5.10.1 must be satisfied we must choose R such that

f''(0) = 1/R

The previous relation expresses the geometric meaning of the second derivative, as curvature of the graph of f. It can be proved that the curcature of the graph of f at a point x is

1 R ( x ) = | f ( x ) | ( 1 + f ( x ) 2 ) 3 / 2

Example 5-10.2. For a parabola y = ax2, we have y'(x) = 2ax and y''(x) = 2a. thus

1 R ( x ) = 2 | a | ( 1 + 4 a 2 x 2 ) 3 / 2

Notice how the curvature is at a maximum at x = 0, i.e. at the vertes and as x ⟶ ∞ is 0, and in fact both tails of the parabola look approximately flat as x tends to infinity.  ■

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