Integration by parts

Now we consider one of the most powerful methods of evaluating the product of two integrable functions.

Let f and g derivable functions in [a,b], we have

(fg)' = f'g + fg'

that is:

fg' = (fg)' − f'g

taking the indefinite integral of both sides, and noticing that ∫ (fg)'dx = fg, we find the integration by parts rule:

f(x) ⋅ g'(x) = f(x) ⋅ g(x) − ∫f'(x) ⋅ g(x) dx

which can be applied as well for the definite integral:

a b f ( x ) g ( x ) d x = [ f ( x ) g ( c ) ] a b a b f ( x ) g ( x ) d x

Example 1. Evaluate

ex sin x dx

We are able to calculate the primitive of both functions ex and sin x. We proceed as follows:

ex sin x dx = ex sin x − ∫ ex cos x dx

We perform a second integrations by parts, picking f,g' as in the first choiche:

= ex sin x − { ex cos x − ∫ ex (−sin x) dx}

Let I be the original integra, then we have

I = ex sin xex cos xI

By solving the equation we obtain I

2I = ex sin xex cos x

I = 1/2 ex (sin x − cos x) + c.  ■

Example 2. Evaluate ∫ log x, by parts, by letting f(x) = log x and g'(x) = 1:

∫ log x dx = x log x − ∫x ⋅ 1/x = x log x ⋅ ∫ 1 ⋅ dx = x logxx + c.  ■

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