Improper Integrals over Unbounded Interva
Improper integrals for infinite intervals are defined in a similar way
Suppose we want to calculate the integral of a continuous function over an unboundede interval of the from [a, +∞), (−∞, b] or (−∞, −∞). Like the intergral with unbounded integrand that we studied in the last section, these integrals are aid to be improper.
Definition 6.7.1. Let f : [a, +∞] ⟶ ℝ continuous. We define
If the limit exits finite then f is said integrable on [a, +∞) or that the integral is convergent. If the limit is ±∞ we say that the integral diverges. If, however, no such limit exists, we say that the improper integral does not exists.
An analogous definition is given if f: (−∞, b].
Finally if f: (−∞, ∞) ⟶ ℝ is continuos, we let
for an arbitrary point c.
Example 6.7.2. Calculate the following imporper integral.
we first calculate the integral
|tan−1|0ω = tan−1 ω − tan−1 0 = tan−1 ω
The limω ⟶ ∞ tan−1 ω = π/2. So the integral converges to π/2. ■
Example 6.7.3. Evaluate the improper integral
Solution. To evaluate this integral, we break the interval into two pieces (−∞, +∞) = (−∞, 0) ∪ [0, +∞). The choice of zero is arbitrary;
The second integral evaluates to π/2 in a similar manner. We conclude that the original integral over the entire real line is convergent and that its value is π/2 + π/2 = π. ■
Example 6.7.3. Evaluate the integral
Case α = 1. We have
Since limω ⟶ +∞ log ω = +∞, the integral is divergent.
Case α ≠ 1. We have
Hence we have
Divergence of the harmonic series
When we studied infinite series we stated that the harmonic series Σ 1/n is divergent; We shall now prove it. From figure 1, it can be easily seen that

Since ∫N1 1/x dx = log N ⟶ +∞ if N ⟶ ∞, then ∑Nn=1 1/n as well ⟶ +∞ if N ⟶ +∞, thus the harmonic series diverges.
Congergence of the generalized harmonic series
We studied the generalized harmonic series
converges for α > 1 (and diverges for α ≤ 1). We have proved for α ≥ 2 (by comparison with the Mengoli's series) and we are now going to provide a proof for any α > 1, in a similar manner used for the proof of conergence of the harmonic series. From fig. 2 it is clear that

Since for α > 1 and N ⟶ ∞, the integral converges the series converges as well.