The number e
We are not always able to express the limit explicitly (i.e. the real number itself), in fact some real numbers are defined as limits of sequences. For instance consider
We shall show now that {an} is increasing and bounded above. Therefore it is convergent. The real number which is the limit of this sequence is denoted by e and called the Euler number.
Proposition 3.4.1. The sequence {an} = (1 + 1/n)n is strictly increasing.
We know that
so each summand of 3.3.1 is smaller than the corresponding term in (3.3.2). The latter sum, moreover, contains an additional positive summand labelled by k = n + 1. Therefore an < an+1 for each n. □
Proposition 3.4.2. The sequence an is bounded; precisely
2 < an < 3, ∀n > 1
Proof. Since a1 = 2, and the sequence is strictly monotone by the previous property, we have an > 2, ∀n > 1. Let us show that an > 3, ∀n > 1. By (3.3.1) and observing that
for k ≥1, k! ≥ 2k−1 ⇒ 1/k! ≤ 1/2k−1 ⇒ Σk=1 1/k! ≤ Σk=1 1/2k − 1
we have that
the majorative sum is that of a geometric progression that we know to be
We conclude that an < 3. □