Asymptotic Estimates

Often times we can't just compute limn ⟶ ∞ an because it turns out to be ∞. We introduce some notation for comparing the orders of magnitude of two sequences. This will also be useful in comparing the relative growth rates of sequences. For instance it might be said that the function n grows faster than log n but slower than n2. Let (an) and (bn) be any sequences in ℝ.

Definition 2.3.1. Let {an} convergent to L for n ⟶ ∞. If there are K > 0 and n0 ∈ ℕ such that

|an| ≤ K|bn| for all nn0,   then we write an = O(bn) □

One reads the statement “an = O(bn)” as “(an) is big-oh of (bn)”. Writing an = O(bn) means, in rough terms, that the sequence an grows no faster than the test sequence bn. If an = 2n + 50 then we see that an = O(n2). The role of K in the definition is to allow us to no have to distinguish between test sequences e.g. n2 and 2n2, since 2n2 = O(n2).

If bn = 1 for all large n, then we simply write an = O(1), and this means that the sequence (an) is bounded.

Definition 2.3.2 If for every ε > 0, there is n0 ∈ ℕ such that

|an| ≤ ε|bn| for all nn0,   then we write an = o(bn) □

One reads the statement “an = o(bn) as “(an) is little-oh of (bn)”. If bn ≠ 0 for all large n, then an = o(bn) means that limn→∞ (an/bn) exists and is zero. In particular, if bn = 1 for all large n, then we simply write an = o(1), and this means that an → 0. For example,

(−1)n/n = o(1),  10n + 100 = o(nn),  and

Definition 2.3.3. Suppose bn ≠ 0 for all large n. We say that {an} is asymptotically equivalent to {bn} and write anbn if

limn→∞ (an/bn) = 1.  □

For example,

n + 1/n ~ n,   n2 + 50n + 100 ~ n2

Finally, suppose {bn} is monotonic and bn > 0 for all large n. We say that {an} and {bn} have the same growth rate if anℓbn for some ∈ R with ℓ ≠ 0. In case an = o(bn), then we say that the growth rate of (an) is less than the growth rate of (bn). On the other hand, if an = O(bn), then we say that the growth rate of {an} is at most the growth rate of {bn}.

The notations O( ) and o( ) stand for collections of functions. It is unfortunate that the symbol "=" is used here since, there is no actual equality.

We'll show later that

lim n log a n n a = 0 a > 0 , a > 1 lim n n a a n = 0

Example 2.3.4.

lim n 3 n 3 + 5 n + 1 7 ( n + 1 ) 3 = [ ] [ ] 3 n 3 + 5 n + 1 7 ( n + 1 ) 3 3 n 3 7 n 3 = 3 7

hence the sequence tends to 3/7.  ■

Example 2.3.5.

lim n 3 n + n 3 n + 1 = [ ] [ ] 3 n + n 3 n + 1 3 n 3 n + 1 = 1 3

This because 3n + n = 3n (1 + n/3n) ~ 3n. And n/3n ⟶ 0.  ■

Example 2.3.6. limn ⟶ ∞ n1/n = [∞0].

n1/n = elog n1/n = elog n/ne0 = 1.

Where we used the fact that limn ⟶ ∞ log n/n ⟶ 0.  ■

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