The n-th roots of unity

Let n > 1 be an integer. An nth root of unity in ℂ is a complex number α which is a zero of xn − 1. The set of nth roots of unity form a cyclic group of order n, 𝐶n, under multiplication and each generator of 𝐶n is called a primitive nth root of unity.
Any such α is of the form αk = e2ik/n, where 1 ≤ k < n or equivalently

α k = cos 2 k π n + i sin 2 k π n , k = 0 , 1 , 2 , , n 1

Let G = {α0, α1, ..., αn}. We have

α k = cos 2 k π n + i sin 2 k π n = ( cos 2 π n + i sin 2 π n ) k = α 1 k k = 0 , 1 , 2 , , n 1

Hence we find that G = ⟨α1⟩, and so, G is a cyclic group of order n.

Definition 7.3.1. If α is an nth root of unity and n is the smallest positive integer for which αn = 1, we say that α is a primitive nth root of unity.  □

So a nth primitive root of unit is an element of the group with order exactly n.

For example, i is an 8th root of unity (for i8 = 1), but not a primitive 8th root of unity; i is a primitive 4th root of unity.

Now for any integer 1 ≤ k < n, α1k is a generator of G iff gcd(k,n) = 1, see Lemma 7.3.10. If n = 8 we have, α11, α13, α15 and α17 are generators of this cyclic group. The term "primitive" exactly refers to being a generator of the cyclic group, namely an nth root of unity is primitive when there is no positive integer k smaller than n such that αnk = 1.  ■

7.3.2 Proposition. The set of n-th roots of unity in ℂ forms a cyclic group 𝐶n isomorphic to (ℤ/nℤ,+).

Proof. Consider the group homomorphism f: (ℤ, +) ⟶ ℂ* defined by f(k) = e2i/n. The kernel of this homomorphism is exactly nℤ, and its image 𝐶n, which gives the result. (We could just note that both groups are cyclic and both have order n, so by general principles they are isomorphic.)  □

The ℤ/nℤ group

The elements of ℤ/nℤ form an abelian group under addition which is isomorphic to sn the set {1, α1, ..., α1n − 1}, under multiplication. The special case n = 2 gives 𝐶2 as the group {1, −1}, under mutliplication. In general, the group elements lie on the unit circle in the plane ℂ, and multiplication by α1m really rotates the elements through m places. Imagine the congruence classes nℤ, nℤ + 1, ..., nℤ + n − 1 (equivalently [0], [1],..., [n−1]), arranged in a circle, then addition of nℤ + m in the same way seen for 𝐶n, corresponds to rotation through m places.

5th roots unity
Elements of 𝐶5. α1 is the generator of the group.
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