Group Isomorphism

As we did in the case of rings. we are interested in finding groups with the same algebraic properties i.e. isomorphic groups.

7.8.1 Definition. Let (G, *) and (G', ⋅) two groups. We say that G is isomorphic to G' and write GG' if there is a bijective function φ: G ⟶ G', such that

φ(a * b) = φ(a) ⋅ φ(b),   ∀a,bG

such a mapping is known as isomorphism. The isomorphism is said to "preserve the operation", i.e the result is the same whether the group operation is performed before or after the mapping. An isomoprhism from a group G to G itself is called an automorphism.

We've already studied isomorphic groups, e.g D3 ≃ 𝓢3. In this case an isomorphism is given associating to every rigid motion of the plane the correspondent permutation of the three vertices of the triangle.

7.8.2 Example. Let c be a fixed element of a group G. Define f: GG by f(g) = c−1gc, Then

f(b)f(b) = (c−1ac)(c−1bc) = c−1a (cc−1)be = c−1abc = f(ab)

If gG

f(cgc−1) = c−1(cgc−1)c = (c−1c)g(c−1c) = ege = g

f is surjective. To show that f is injective, suppose f(a) = f(b. The c−1ac = c−1bc. Canceling c on the right side and c−1 on the left side by Propositions 7.1.2, 7.1.3, and corollary Corollary 7.1.4, we have a = b. Hence, f is injective. Therefore f is an isomorphism, called the inner automorphism of G induced by c.   ■

When two groups are isomorphic all algebraic properties are shared: cardinality, the order of the elements, the fact to cyclic and abelian, to possess subgroups of a given order, etc. When they different for one of these properties they are not isomorphic.

7.8.3 Cayley’s Theorem. Every group is isomorphic to a group of permutations.

Proof. Let G be a given group. The permutations that we use in the proof will be mappings defined on the set of all elements in G.
For each element a in G, we define a mapping

Ta: GG
xax   ∀xG

That is, the image of each x in G is obtained by multiplying x on the left by a. Now f a is one-to-one since

Ta(x) = Ta(y) ⇒ ax = ay
x = y

To see that Ta is onto, let b be arbitrary in G. Then x = i−1b is in G, and for this particular x we have

Ta(x) = ax
a(a−1b) = b

Thus Ta is a permutation on the set of elements of G i.e. Ta ∈ 𝓢(G).
We define the following mapping

Ψ (G, ⋅) ⟶ 𝓢(G, ∘)

Ψ preserves the operations:

Ψ(ab) = Ψ(a) ∘ Ψ(b)


Tab(x) = abx = a(bx) = Ta(Tb(x))   ∀ x∈G

hence Tab = TaTb

Ψ is injective. Indeed Ψ(a) = Ψ(b) that is Tb = Ta.

In particular

a = Ta(e) = Tb(e) = b

This mapping is not surjective: compare the cardinality of G and 𝓢(G). Instead the image of Ψ

Ψ(G) := {Ta | aG}

is a subgroup of 𝓢(G) isomorphic to G.  □


  1. Determine four distinct subgroups of 𝓢4 isomorphic to 𝓢3 and nine isomorphic to 𝓢2.

  2. Verify Cayley's theorem for the group G = ⟨g | g4 = 1⟩ and for the Klein group.

  3. Let G the multiplicative group of invertible elements ℤ8 and let G' the multiplicative group of invertible elements of ℤ12. Prove that they are isomorphic.

  4. Prove that the set

    S = { ( x y y x ) | x , y R , x , y 0 }

    is a subgroup of (GL2(ℝ), ⋅) isomorphic to (ℂ*,⋅), where ℂ* = ℂ \{0}.


  1. Consider the symmetric group the subgroups 𝓢4. Let H = {σ ∈ 𝓢4| σ4(4) = 4}. By definition H consists of those permutations in 𝓢4 that leave 4 fixed. Hence elements of H exactly the permutations of the elements {1,2,3}. This means that H is a permutation group isomorphic to 𝓢3. We can identify other subgroups Hi of permutation of 𝓢4 tha leave the element i fixed:

    1. H1 = {id,(23),(24),(34),(234),(243)}

    2. H2 = {id,(13),(14),(34),(134),(143)}

    3. H3 = {id,(12),(14),(24),(124),(142)}

    4. H4 = {id,(12),(13),(23),(123),(132)}

    Order 2 groups are cyclic so for {e,s} with s ∈ S4 we need s2 = e. Thus we have the subgroups made by transpositions H1 = {id, (1 2)}, H = {id, (1 2)(3 4)}

  2. Lagrange theorem avoid using S3 in the case. We choose the group S4 and find an order 4 element of S4 we've that ⟨1234⟩ = {(1234),(13)(24),(1432), id}. For V we have the following isomorphic subgroup of S4 = {id,(12)(34), (14)(23), (13) (24)}

  3. G = U(ℤ8) = {[1]8, [3]8, [5]8, [7]8}; G = U(ℤ12) = {[1]12, [5]12, [7]12, [11]12}. An isomorphism between G and G' is the one that maps [3]8 to [5]12, [5]8 to [7]12. [7]8 to [11]12.

    They are both isomorphic to the Klein group,(in V every non-trivial element is order 2), we can take the isomorphism [1]8 ↦ id, [3]8 ↦ r, [5]8s1, [7]8s2.

  4. The product of elements of S is an element of S, (1 0; 0 1) ∈ S, the inverse of (x y; −y x) is 1/(x2 + y2) (x −y; y x) ∈ S.

    An isomorphism with (ℂ*,⋅) is obtained considering the map z = x + iy ↦ (x y; −y x); Multiply out (x1 + i y1)(x2 + i y2) and (x1 y1; −y1 x1)(x2 y2; −y2 x2) to verify.

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