Cyclotomic polynomials

We now want to discuss a special class of polynomials in ℤ[x]. These polynomials occur in the factorizations of the simple polynomial xn − 1. Although these polynomials are constructed easily, they have a tendency to appear in many different applications, and hence are very useful. These are thr polynomials that have as roots the primitive n-th roots of unity. Because of their relation with the division of the circle, these polynomials are called cyclotomic polynomials.

From our knowledge of cyclic groups, we know (Lemma 7.3.10) that (ζnk) is a primitive nth root of 1 if and only if k is relatively prime to n. In particular, there are φ(n) primitive roots of 1, where φ is Euler's totient function. Thus,

Φ n ( x ) := ζ  primitive root of 1 ( x ζ ) = 1 k n , ( n , k ) = 1 ( x ζ n k )

Lemma 7.5.9 For all positive integers n,

x n 1 = d | n Φ d ( x )   (7.5.3)

Proof. If n = de, then every dth root ζ of 1 is an nth root of 1, because ζn = ζde = (ζd)e = 1. In particular, every primite dth root ζ of 1 is an nth root of 1. □

From the last relation we can find that

n = d | n ϕ ( d )

which is a property of Euler's function which can be obtained wihtout resorting to cyclotomic polynomials.

Example 7.5.10. Consider x4 − 1. There are four roots {1,−1,i,−i}; 1 and −1 are not primitive roots of the unity, because by definition of order even if 14 = 1 or −14 = 1 we have 12 = 1 and −12 = 1. Only i and −i are primitive because no power smaller than 4 gives im = 1, or (−i)m = 1. So that

Φ4 (x) = (xi) (x + i) = x2 + 1

Example 7.5.11. When n = 2, the only primitive square root of unit is −1 (note that 1 has order 1, i.e. not primitive), so that Φ2(x) = x + 1. When n = 4, the primitive fourth roots of unity are i and −i, so that

Φ4 = (xi) (x + i) = x2 + 1

Since Φ1 = x − 1, we get the factorization

xn − 1 = Φ1(x) Φ2(x) Φ4(x) = (x − 1) (x +1) (x2 + 1) ■

Equation 7.5.3 can be written as well as

x n 1 = Φ 1 ( x ) d n d 1 d n Φ d ( x ) Φ n ( x )

With this inductive method we can calculate the first cyclotomic polynomials, since

Φ n = x n 1 d n d n Φ d

7.5.12. Evaluation of the first nine cyclotomic polynomials

Φ1(x) = x − 1

Φ2(x) = x2 − 1/Φ1(x) = x + 1

Φ3(x) = x3 − 1/Φ1(x) = x2 + x + 1

Φ4(x) = x4 − 1/Φ1(x2(x) = x4 − 1 /(x−1)(x+1) = x2 +1

Φ5(x) = x5 − 1/Φ1(x) = x4 + x3 + x2 + x + 1

Φ6(x) = x6 − 11(x2(x3(x) = (x6 − 1)/(x − 1)(x + 1)(x2 + x +1) = x2x +1

Φ7(x) = x7 − 1/Φ1(x) = x6 + x5 + x4 + x3 + x2 + x + 1

Φ8(x) = x8 − 1/Φ1(x2(x4(x) = x8 −1/(x − 1)(x + 1)(x2+1) = x4 + 1

Φ9(x) = x9 − 11(x) Φ3(x) = x6 + x3 + 1

In general, if p is prime

xp−1 = Φ1(x)Φp(x).

Φp (x) = 1 + x + x2 + ... + xp−2 + xp−1

Moreover, for n = ph

Φph(x) = 1 + xph−1 + (xh−1)p−1


xph − 1 = Φ1 Φp Φp2 ⋅⋅⋅ Φph −1Φph

which yields to

Φph = xph − 1 / Φ1 Φp Φp2 ⋅⋅⋅ Φph −1 = xph − 1 / xph − 1 − 1 = 1 + xph−1 + ...(xph − 1)p−1

Example 7.5.12. Cyclotomic polynomials have the following properties:

  1. every Φn(x) is monic with integers coefficients;

  2. the degree Φn(x) is Φ(n);

  3. every Φn(x) is irreducile over ℚ.

Proof. a) We proceed by induction over n. for n = 1, Φ1(x) = x − 1 which is monic and with integers coefficients. We suppose the same to hold true for Φm(x) with m < n and we prove it for Φn(x). We have

Φn(x) = xn − 1 / ∏d|n,dn Φd(x)

Dividing xn − 1 by ∏d|n,dn Φd(x), we obtain a monic polynomial with integer coefficients.

b) It follows from the construction of Φn(x).

c) We'll prove this property only for n = ph, with p prime number. As we have already seen

Φph(x) = 1 + xph−1 + (xh−1)p−1 = xph − 1 / xph − 1 − 1

To prove the irreducibility of Φph(x) we cannot apply directly Eisenstein criterion. We employ Lemma 5.7.3 and make the substitution x = y + 1 which yields to a new polynomial in y

Ψ ( y ) = Φ p h ( y + 1 ) = 1 + ( y + 1 ) p h 1 + + ( ( y + 1 ) p h 1 ) p 1 = ( y + 1 ) p h 1 ( y + 1 ) p h 1 1 = y p h + p f ( y ) y p h 1 + p g ( y )

We employed Newton binomial formula and grouping the addends which are multiple of p in pf(y) and pg(y). We have then

[1 + (y + 1)ph−1 + ... + ((y + 1)ph−1)p−1][yph−1 + pg(y)] = yph + pf(y)

by grouping the highest degree terms in each polynomial, we obtain

[(y + 1)ph − 1 + ∑ αi yi] [yph−1 + pg(y)] = yph + pf(y)

doing the calculations and grouping the terms which are multiple of p yields

yph−1αi yi + yph−1(p−1)yph−1 = yph + pf̄(y)

in this form we are sure that all coefficients αi different from the leading coefficients (which is 1) of Ψ(y) are multiples of p. To apply Eisenstein criterion we only need to prove that p2 does not divide the constant term. This is true since theconstant term of Ψ(y) is obtained by putting y = 0, and hence it is equal to p times 1 i.e. p. We have proved trhat Ψ(y) is irreducible and thus Ψh(y) as well.

This result tells us that cyclotomic polynomials are irreducible over ℚ, and we can use them to find the factorization of xn − 1. We have

xn − 1 = ∏d|n Φd(x)   (7.5.3)

From the cyclotomic polynomials we've written above it may seem that their coefficient are all either 0 ri ±1. This is not true as it can be shown that for polynomials with higher n (about 100) other coefficients start to appear.

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